Eye Candy, huh? Well, that's a topic I can wrap my...self around. LOL
I'll be honest, I have a certain type. Then again, don't we all? I like those dark haired hotties that make you think of bad boys on motorcycles. But it's more than that. It's about the face. The expression. An ornery grin will do me in every single time. The lopsided smile that says, "I've got very naughty things planned for you".
So, with that in mind I've dug through my HUGE stack of hunk pictures and found a few that always make me sigh. And drool. And...yeah, we'll leave that last part to your imagination. LOL
This hunk gets to me, I swear. I like where he has his hand (that's so hot!). Also that look on his face. He is definitely not thinking pure thoughts.
And this cutie. He's sort of got that all around good guy look, doesn't he? Playful and sexy. What a combination!
And this rebel. Yum! Tell me you don't start thinking shapeshifter when you see this picture?
Okay, we've read books where the woman is blindfolded, but to be honest I'm not sure I've read a book where the man is blindfolded. When I saw this picture my imagination exploded. A powerful man ready to submit to his woman. Seriously? How can you not love that?! LOL

I'm in love with this hottie's eyes. And those lips! Mmm. I could stare at this guy for hours and not get bored!

And one everyone's seen probably a thousand times, but it never gets old. I can so easily hear an accent, can't you? And he looks so serious. It makes me want to work extra hard to get him to smile. *wink, wink*

I could go on, but I'm sure you all have better things to do, right? LOL
Um,,,no, Anne, I don't have a single thing to do...nope, not me. I could sit and look at eye candy all day :) Thanks for sharing!
LOL, you and me both, Natasha! :)
Mmmm nice, Anne!! These are all HOT but my fav is your Mr. Shapeshifter in the pool. :) I don't have anything "better" to do either. Everything I have to do is worse than looking. LOL!
Nicole--OMG, he's so delicious, huh?! I wonder if he needs help drying off... ;-)
Wait, I thought mancandy gazing was MAN-datory for a romance writer. At least, that is my story and I am sticking to it.
They're all drool-worthy. I especially like the one coming out of the pool because well, I like swimmers...
Oh yum! Your type and my type of hunks collide. We share many overlapping preferences... I'm clicking and saving a few of these for prosperity. :D
Inez--I love the way you think, lady! :)
Mia--Swimmers are in such great shape, huh? Plus, they're all slippery. hehe!
Keira--LOL! I do a lot of that 'right click, save to folder' thing too. :-P
Btw, anyone who would like to be on my Hunk Mailings list, just email me at: anne@annerainey.com I send hunks out every once in a while, but be warned some are FULLY NUDE. Also, your email addy stays private. :)
Very nice selection. :) I particularly love #1 and #5. Those eyes... wow.
Meg--and I just love the cleft chin on #1! That's such a sexy feature on a man. :)
I licked my screen now everything is fuzzy.. very nice eye candy
LOL, I should have put a warning on there, huh, Saroya? :-P
You know what's hot for me? What you can't see. Like that last guy...what's he lookin' down at? What's going on below the waist? The look on his face tells me it's not something he'd want his mama to know about... [evil grin]
Carolan--LOL! I hear that! When I look at that expression on his face and the way he's looking down, it makes me wonder if mabye there isn't someone he's looking down at. *wink, wink*
Uh....what was I supposed to be doing today?
Cripes, I don't think I could choose one of these guys over the others if my life depended on it!
Thanks for the delicious eye-candy. Can definitely see myself visiting this post a few more times today to indulge. And the best thing of all? It's a calorie-free treat!
The reclining hunk is sexy, but I'll pick the mouthwatering guy wearing the blindfold. Something about him exudes raw sexuality :)
Grrrrlicious and then some!
Happy week wishes,
Maree--LOL! Yeah, I love treats like these! :)
Shawna--Oh my lord, I know just what you mean! I have a few more pics of him, but they weren't appropriate. LOL
What a way to start the morning! I've definitely been inspired:-) Now if I could just tear my eyes away from the shape-shifting swimmer, I might just get some work done!
Paris--LOL! Don't you just want to lick that man from head to toe? Dang, he's smokin'!
Thanks for sharing these! All of these are HOT of course, but my fav would be the last one. He just screams sexy and character!
Denisse--You're quite welcome. As it happens, searching out hunks is definitely one of my most favorite things to do. LOL
Nope, nothing better to do. LOL. I especially like the blindfold pic. The black and white and his perfect chest is just awesome!
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