Like most things in life, our trip had its bad parts and its good parts. First we traveled from our home in western New York to visit family in Georgia. My husband always drives and I'm the navigator. I had my map in my lap, directions from his brother, and the GPS programmed as well. Most of the time all the turns and exits went quite smoothly, but I have to tell you, when we approached one route change and the map and the brother's directions and the GPS all contradicted each other...well, it was enough to make me go crazy! And not quietly.
But we made it there and had a wonderful time. We only stayed three days because you know the saying about fish and houseguests...they both start to stink after three days. So we decided to spend a few days on the Outer Banks, a frequent vacation destination of ours. There's something about the rugged beauty of the islands that calls to me and I love it there. I won't go into all the problems we had on the trip between Georgia and the coast of North Carolina, but let me say that there are way too many people on the interstates going way too fast and when it's raining so hard you can't see the hood of your truck it doesn't make for a pleasant journey.
Once we reached the campground, though, it was great. We couldn't beat the view from our RV.

We spent a great deal of the next day at the beach. It was windy and not particularly warm, but there's something so relaxing about watching the waves roll in and listening to the roar of the surf. I brought along my AlphaSmart and even got a little writing done. (And no, my hair doesn't usually stand straight up like that - I told you it was windy!)

The rest of the week went faster than it had a right to. We shopped and ate at our favorite restaurants - ever been to Dirty Dick's Crab House? - and relaxed. We watched the kiteboarders in Pamilco Sound.

We chatted with the locals and dreamt about having our own place on the ocean, even though we know we probably never will. Before we knew it, we were tearing down camp and beginning the journey back home.
Once again I won't bore you with the details of the six hundred and some mile journey home, but let's just say I long for a time when we can be transported from one place to another. (Beam me up, Scottie!)
We're home now, safe and sound, and that's something for which we are truly thankful. Will I take another trip? Of course. Will I complain about the crowded highways and confusing route signs, the awning getting ripped by the wind and the stone kicked up by a passing truck that cracked our windshield? Um...yeah. Will it stop me from traveling again? No way.
Because the destination is always worth the journey. And I'm looking forward to the trip where the journey is as much fun as the destination.
Did you know most campgrounds have free wireless internet to all their campsites? While I was on vacation, I got an e-mail with the cover for my upcoming release from Ellora's Cave, Chains of Desire, which is coming out on May 29th.

It's my first futuristic and come to think of it - it fits our theme perfectly, because much of the story takes place as Hanna and Jarrod travel on space ships. Their journey is not always smooth either.
So how about you? Do you enjoy the traveling part of travel? What's your favorite travel destination?
Those pictures of the beach are very enticing. A campground right on the beach must be wonderful. Did you ever see the sun come up?
great pix, Barb. I love the ocean too, and have been fantasizing about owning beachfront property forever, only our destination is usually Cape Cod. we can dream, right, and someday, when we become NYT's bestsellers...
great cover, btw...
Great pix, they made me homesick. ;) And wow on the cover, verrrrry sexy. Futuristic is one thing I've never written. Yet. :)
Wonderful pictures! I loved how you're on the beach with your laptop. My daughter was trying to kick me out of the hotel room this morning to sit on the balcony to work on my current contracted book, but my battery was low. :( Looks like you had a blast!
Nice post. Has me wanting get up and get going.
I actually love BOTH the travel and the destination. Road trips are some of my favorite. I do like having a planned destination for the compleation of each day. Gives one something to look forward to.
Nice pics! I love our coast. The Crystal Coast more now since we have a place there, but I love the Outer Banks too. Sounds like a great time. I love to travel, but I love both the journey and the destination. I love to take backroads and see the small towns and little known sites. Me and my mom used to take out a map, pick a general direction and road and just see where we landed. Ended up at Bat Cave, NC once. We hope to do that this summer with my kids and start a new tradition.
OHH and the cover likes good.
I releaxed just looking at your great photos! Glad you had a nice vacation, even with the grumbles and drivers who go waaayyy too fast. And you meet interesting people when you go with your RV, too! Thanks for sharing...made me want to go, too!
Hi Natasha!
It sounds like I need to make a vacation trip to the Outer Banks. Only trouble is dragging my workaholic hubby away from home. Maybe there'll be a conference there sometime?
We go away to someplace warm for a week every winter. It's usually just in time to keep me from screaming and fleeing the frozen north--for good! Not that that might not happen someday! LOL.
Natasha, sounds like a wonderful trip and thanks for the beautiful pictures. I do like the journey. I like to drive. We're planning a trip to Yellowstone this summer, and I was all for driving the 1000 miles, but my husband didn't want to do the long drive (we usually split driving duties). So we're going to fly to Salt Lake City first and then drive about 6 hours to Yellowstone - heard it was a nice drive too!
Wonderful pics, Natasha! I LOVE the Outer Banks. It's so peaceful and beautiful there. That's an awesome cover too!
I'd love to see the OUter Banks someday. It sure looks enticing. I love to travel and have so many places I want to see. But you're right, Natasha, the "getting there" is usually tedious, at best. I SO wish I could teleport.
PLaces to see on my bucket list include New York City, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, France, and Italy. One place on my bucket list I've never been but am going to this summer is DC! I can't wait!
GORGEOUS COVER, Natashaa!! I have to confess, I was lucky enough to be a first reader for this story and it's awesomely wicked! I cannot wait to get this book on my keeper e-shelf! Congrats, Natasha
Terrific pix!
Hi, Natasha!
I really enjoyed reading about your recent getaway :) You've piqued my interest in the Outer Banks as a future destination. Usually when I head to NC, I end up in Charleston. Thanks for adding another must-see to my travel list :)
Can't wait to read Chains of Desire!
Happy week wishes,
Hey Carly, I love the beach. We were on the sound side of the island so we had the most awesome sunsets. I should have posted a picture of that.
Helen! Thanks for stopping by. I'll share a beach house with you anytime!
Thanks, Liane. As soon as I leave the ocean I want to go back.
Terry, that's my AlphaSmart I have with me. The batteries last for ages.
Hi Caroline. We often have very trouble-free road trips. I guess being on the road for two whole weeks was asking for some kind of problem.
Thanks for stopping by, Wendy. Once we've got the RV at the campground I love exploring. It's just pulling that 33 foot trailer that makes some things a little difficult. (But you can't beat carrying your very own rest room along with you lol)
Raynene, so glad I could help you relax :)
Hey Ash! Yeah, I hear you about the cold. I woke up to frost on the windshield again this morning. Makes me wish we were still south!
Ooh, Carol. Have a great trip to Yellowstone. We haven't made it that far west yet.
Thanks, Nicole. Every year we think we're going to try somewhere else, but nearly every year we manage a week at the Outer Banks.
Thanks, Juliet! You know I loves ya. Someday we're going to make it to Texas!
Thanks, Cameo. My hubby loves taking pictures.
Hey Shawna! I haven't made it to Charleston yet. Usually if we hit someplace else in NC it's so my hubby can get his NASCAR fix around Charlotte.
Love the pics Natasha!
You know, I've not taken a vacation since our 5th anniversary and next month ( a couple of weeks, oy!)its our 26th anniversary too! And when we went on our 5th, we were still within our state. A couple of times we took a weekend trip just driving and ending up in the next state next to us but thats about it. I never did travel much as a child with my parents having six children and unable to travel. We talk about doing some traveling, mostly to NASCAR races when even older, LOL. I always dream of going to Scotland! I guess part of it comes from the love of reading Medieval along with fantasy settings!
Caffey! Sounds like it's time to take a trip! I'm sure after this week on FR you'll have lots of places you'll want to visit.
Great pictures, Natasha. And congrats on the futuristic. I love those!
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