I have a Halloween short story out this month in the November True Confessions magazine. It's titled "His Dark Fantasy : My Date Thought He Was a Vampire." This hot story was so much fun to write. What if, during an intimate moment, your date bit you on the neck? Not a little nibble, but a serious bite that drew blood. Turns out he has a good reason for acting like a vampire. He has a form of Celiac disease, a heredity digestive condition that allows him to eat little besides blood and raw meat, and he also has many food allergies. But why would he bite his date? Hmm. Good question. If you read this story, I hope you enjoy it.
Writing contemporary short stories in between longer works or those set in historical time periods is a great outlet for me. It helps me come back to the longer works feeling refreshed, as if I've had a break. Writing variety is definitely the best for me.
His Dark Fantasy
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
THE HOLIDAY MIXER is now available! Step through our "front door" & meet some interesting characters: one of Santa's top elves, investigating a vandalized playground...a Jewish mother, finding her way, now that the kids are grown...a serial killer, taking a date for a ride in the snow...a woman walking alone on Halloween night, suspecting she may be followed...a superstitious girl, taunted by the local bully...a Swedish woman, heartbroken over a rumor...a tiny fairy, summoning the courage to save the coming spring...a preschool teacher, stumbling upon an old flame...and a desperate mother of four young children, rediscovering the gift of giving..
In "Step on a Crack" by Elizabeth Delisi: Superstitions are just old wives' tales. Or are they? Linda Mae Watkins knows different...
Click here to view or purchase book: http://www.foxfountain.com/haypenny/books.html
Elizabeth Delisi, also known around the Internet as Madame Liz, has wanted to be a writer since she was in first grade, and probably would have written in the womb if she could have convinced her mother to swallow a pencil. But life hasn't always gone the way she planned, and on her road to publication she worked as a motel maid, waitress, secretary, administrative aide, substitute teacher, and newspaper reporter.Elizabeth's novels include a FATAL FORTUNE, first in the Lottie Baldwin paranormal mystery series; LADY OF THE TWO LANDS, a time-travel romance; and SINCE ALL IS PASSING, a suspense. She's written contemporary and paranormal romance novellas for SHIVERS AND SCREAMS, VISIONS AND DREAMS; ENCHANTED HOLIDAYS; HOLIDAY HEARTS; HOLIDAY HEARTS 2; and CUPID'S CAPERS, and has also published two short story collections, MIRROR IMAGES and PENUMBRA. In addition to her writing, Elizabeth edits for several small publishers and individuals, and teaches online writing courses for Writer's Digest. Elizabeth lives in New Hampshire with her husband, dog and cat. She invites everyone to visit her website at www.elizabethdelisi.com.
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
Two Favorite TV Shows
Did anyone watch "America's Next Top Model" last night? Long-time romance novel cover model Fabio was a guest and he posed with each of the girls for "romance novel cover" shots. It was pretty cool. At first I thought, oh no, we're in store for some romance bashing. But it didn't happen (at least not on screen.) There were a few things that were over the top and "purplish," reminiscent of the romance novels of the late 80's, but I feel they portrayed romance novels in a positive light. Thank you, Tyra, and I love the show!
I also watched "Lost". Poor Sawyer. If he isn't conning someone, he's getting beaten up or tortured. But we find out in this episode that he does have a heart. I also think it's pretty cool that "Lost" has a Scotsman on board, Desmond. Now, how did he know lightening was going to strike where it did? Hmm. I love the paranormal phenomenon on this show.
I also watched "Lost". Poor Sawyer. If he isn't conning someone, he's getting beaten up or tortured. But we find out in this episode that he does have a heart.
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
Shivers and Screams...
SHIVERS AND SCREAMS, VISIONS AND DREAMS: Some of the best and brightest names in the e-publishing field gathered together for your Halloween frightful fun. In this thrilling anthology, spooky hauntings, time-travelling spirits, alien invasions and Satanic cults await! Then, there's a few recipes you can whip up in your kitchen for dessert.
In "Restless Spirit" by Elizabeth Delisi: Laura St. Clair lost her eight-year-old son to a rare disease, and lost her desire to live along with him. When she tries to contact the spirit of her son with a Ouija board, she reaches something...but what? Can the entity she gets in touch with help her talk to her son, and if so, what will it expect from her in return?
You can find the book at:
Elizabeth Delisi, also known around the Internet as Madame Liz, has wanted to be a writer since she was in first grade, and probably would have written in the womb if she could have convinced her mother to swallow a pencil. But life hasn't always gone the way she planned, and on her road to publication she worked as a motel maid, waitress, secretary, administrative aide, substitute teacher, and newspaper reporter.
Elizabeth's novels include a FATAL FORTUNE, first in the Lottie Baldwin paranormal mystery series; LADY OF THE TWO LANDS, a time-travel romance; and SINCE ALL IS PASSING, a suspense. She's written contemporary and paranormal romance novellas for SHIVERS AND SCREAMS, VISIONS AND DREAMS; ENCHANTED HOLIDAYS; HOLIDAY HEARTS; HOLIDAY HEARTS 2; and CUPID'S CAPERS, and has also published two short story collections, MIRROR IMAGES and PENUMBRA. In addition to her writing, Elizabeth edits for several small publishers and individuals, and teaches online writing courses for Writer's Digest.
Elizabeth lives in New Hampshire with her husband, dog and cat. She invites everyone to visit her website at www.elizabethdelisi.com .
You can find the book at:
Elizabeth Delisi, also known around the Internet as Madame Liz, has wanted to be a writer since she was in first grade, and probably would have written in the womb if she could have convinced her mother to swallow a pencil. But life hasn't always gone the way she planned, and on her road to publication she worked as a motel maid, waitress, secretary, administrative aide, substitute teacher, and newspaper reporter.
Elizabeth's novels include a FATAL FORTUNE, first in the Lottie Baldwin paranormal mystery series; LADY OF THE TWO LANDS, a time-travel romance; and SINCE ALL IS PASSING, a suspense. She's written contemporary and paranormal romance novellas for SHIVERS AND SCREAMS, VISIONS AND DREAMS; ENCHANTED HOLIDAYS; HOLIDAY HEARTS; HOLIDAY HEARTS 2; and CUPID'S CAPERS, and has also published two short story collections, MIRROR IMAGES and PENUMBRA. In addition to her writing, Elizabeth edits for several small publishers and individuals, and teaches online writing courses for Writer's Digest.
Elizabeth lives in New Hampshire with her husband, dog and cat. She invites everyone to visit her website at www.elizabethdelisi.com .
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
Get Some Exercise
Today, I want to talk about the importance of exercise. I know, you've heard it all before. Me too! Usually, I'd rather eat Brussels sprouts than exercise. (Well, not really.) The excuses are endless...I don't have time to exercise. I'm too tired. I'm in too much pain already. If you write full time, or sit in a desk chair all day at the office, it is especially important to get some exercise. Otherwise, our muscles get weak. We don't want that because when we lift things or just turn the wrong way, we injure ourselves. That's the bad part. I know from experience, this happens before we realize it. Make sure, especially, to do exercises that strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. And remember to stretch so you'll remain flexible. If you sit all day, get up every 30 minutes or every hour and walk around for a minute. I'm saying this to myself as much as I'm saying it to you. Today, I'm making this agreement with myself to get some form of exercise every day.
Over the next few days, I want to share some colorful fall photos with you. Check out this view! Over the weekend, I went with my family to see these incredible views and fall leaves close by, here in North Carolina.
Over the next few days, I want to share some colorful fall photos with you. Check out this view! Over the weekend, I went with my family to see these incredible views and fall leaves close by, here in North Carolina.
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
I have taken up a new hobby--jewelry-making. Mostly earrings. I love to use sterling silver and real semi-precious stone beads, like tiger's eye or amethyst. I sometimes also use glass beads and other metals. Do you know how crafts or hobbies strike at the worst possible moment? (If it doesn't happen to you, consider yourself lucky.) I stayed up until 1:30 one night in a jewelry-making frenzy. It's like, I have all this other stuff to do, finishing up a novella and a novel, and a hundred other things, but my brain obsesses over making cool and unique earrings. Or hair sticks. I have long curly hair but I had never used hair sticks to hold it up before. In Atlanta I found a handmade pair in a small shop. Turns out I LOVE them but I can't find any in my area. So I've figured out how to make them myself and I have all the pieces. I only need to figure out one small glitch...
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
Fundraiser & Market News
Today I want to share Cindi Myers recent newsletter because it tells about a new important fundraiser auction going on now via eBay. I'm bidding to help raise money and I hope you will too. They have a bunch of really cool items available including autographed books and critiques by editors, agents and published authors.
Market News for Week of October 1, 2006
Good morning and welcome everyone.
First up this week, I want to let everyone know about an auction
author Julie Kenner is sponsoring to raise funds for Love Without
Boundaries (http://www.lovewithoutboundaries.com ) an organization
that helps orphans in China. In honor of her new daughter from
China, Julie has gathered an amazing collection of items. The
auction goes live on eBay today and among the many great items
available is a totebag full of my books -- most of my backlist.
For more information and links to individual items, go to
http://www.JulieKenner.com .
This week's Spotlight from Romance Writers of America's annual
conference in Atlanta is on Tor Books. The Spotlight was
presented by Senior Editor Melissa Ann Singer and Editor Anna
Genoese. The workshop began with Melissa and Anna talking about
some of the upcoming books Tor will be publishing. Tor does the
Battlestar Gallactica novelizations (though they are not taking
submissions for this series.) Tor is publishing a series of
graphic fiction by best-selling fantasy writers. They publish
alternate history novels. They showed light-hearted chick lit in
both trade paper and mass market paperback, mystery series with
female protagonists, and "feminist" science fiction (science
fiction with strong female protagonists, focused on women's
issues such as weight, gender identity and infertility.)
Tor publishes historical fiction as well as historical romance.
Their historical fiction usually features more than one plot,
only one of which is a romance. They are interested in a variety
of time periods and settings - not so much Victorian/Edwardian
urban settings. They have publishes historical fiction set in
World War II and other settings.
Tor Romance publishes paranormal romance, including science
fiction and fantasy romance, futuristic romance, and romance
featuring witches, vampires, ghosts, goblins, psychics, etc. etc.
They're also interested in erotica, multi-racial romance and
non-traditional romance. Each novel should have two storylines -
the romance and something else. They look for strong female
protagonists and appealing heroes. For more specific information
about paranormal romance at Tor, see
In women's fiction they look for stories about women, character-
driven stories that are not necessarily romance. They want
"strong, emotion-driven story." The relationship can be between a
woman and her mother or father, a woman and her children or
friends, a married couple or some other relationship. If there is
a romance, the romance should be no more than 50 percent of the
They're very interested in mysteries with strong female
protagonists, but they're not interested in cozies.
Tor also publishes young adult fiction. Starscape publishes books
for ages 8-11 while Tor Teen releases titles for ages 11 and up.
The editor for both of these imprints is Susan Chang.
General submission guidelines are available at
Editor Anna Genoese has a blog at http://alg.livejournal.com/
where she often talks about what she's looking for/interested in.
Quill-Pen.net Press is accepting submissions for its Magazine of
Unbelievable Stories. This is a print magazine published four to
six times per year that publishes genre fiction in the tradition
of the "penny dreadful" pulp fiction magazines of earlier times.
They're currently planning a number of themed issues and are
looking for the following: Romance, science fiction western,
horror, mystery and time travel stories. 4000 to 7000 words.
Payment is $40 per story. You may submit via email. For
information, go to http://quill-pen.net/Submission.html
Look who's blogging: Check out my new blogs at
and http://romancingtheyarn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to pass along this newsletter and to encourage others
to sign up to receive it. If you reprint or forward the
newsletter, all I ask is that I be given credit for it. Anyone
can sign up by sending a blank email to cynthiasterling-
Cindi Myers
Fear of Falling, Harlequin Blaze, September 2006 (1st Gothic
Market News for Week of October 1, 2006
Good morning and welcome everyone.
First up this week, I want to let everyone know about an auction
author Julie Kenner is sponsoring to raise funds for Love Without
Boundaries (http://www.lovewithoutboundaries.com ) an organization
that helps orphans in China. In honor of her new daughter from
China, Julie has gathered an amazing collection of items. The
auction goes live on eBay today and among the many great items
available is a totebag full of my books -- most of my backlist.
For more information and links to individual items, go to
http://www.JulieKenner.com .
This week's Spotlight from Romance Writers of America's annual
conference in Atlanta is on Tor Books. The Spotlight was
presented by Senior Editor Melissa Ann Singer and Editor Anna
Genoese. The workshop began with Melissa and Anna talking about
some of the upcoming books Tor will be publishing. Tor does the
Battlestar Gallactica novelizations (though they are not taking
submissions for this series.) Tor is publishing a series of
graphic fiction by best-selling fantasy writers. They publish
alternate history novels. They showed light-hearted chick lit in
both trade paper and mass market paperback, mystery series with
female protagonists, and "feminist" science fiction (science
fiction with strong female protagonists, focused on women's
issues such as weight, gender identity and infertility.)
Tor publishes historical fiction as well as historical romance.
Their historical fiction usually features more than one plot,
only one of which is a romance. They are interested in a variety
of time periods and settings - not so much Victorian/Edwardian
urban settings. They have publishes historical fiction set in
World War II and other settings.
Tor Romance publishes paranormal romance, including science
fiction and fantasy romance, futuristic romance, and romance
featuring witches, vampires, ghosts, goblins, psychics, etc. etc.
They're also interested in erotica, multi-racial romance and
non-traditional romance. Each novel should have two storylines -
the romance and something else. They look for strong female
protagonists and appealing heroes. For more specific information
about paranormal romance at Tor, see
In women's fiction they look for stories about women, character-
driven stories that are not necessarily romance. They want
"strong, emotion-driven story." The relationship can be between a
woman and her mother or father, a woman and her children or
friends, a married couple or some other relationship. If there is
a romance, the romance should be no more than 50 percent of the
They're very interested in mysteries with strong female
protagonists, but they're not interested in cozies.
Tor also publishes young adult fiction. Starscape publishes books
for ages 8-11 while Tor Teen releases titles for ages 11 and up.
The editor for both of these imprints is Susan Chang.
General submission guidelines are available at
Editor Anna Genoese has a blog at http://alg.livejournal.com/
where she often talks about what she's looking for/interested in.
Quill-Pen.net Press is accepting submissions for its Magazine of
Unbelievable Stories. This is a print magazine published four to
six times per year that publishes genre fiction in the tradition
of the "penny dreadful" pulp fiction magazines of earlier times.
They're currently planning a number of themed issues and are
looking for the following: Romance, science fiction western,
horror, mystery and time travel stories. 4000 to 7000 words.
Payment is $40 per story. You may submit via email. For
information, go to http://quill-pen.net/Submission.html
Look who's blogging: Check out my new blogs at
and http://romancingtheyarn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to pass along this newsletter and to encourage others
to sign up to receive it. If you reprint or forward the
newsletter, all I ask is that I be given credit for it. Anyone
can sign up by sending a blank email to cynthiasterling-
Cindi Myers
Fear of Falling, Harlequin Blaze, September 2006 (1st Gothic
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
Fyvie Castle
Last week on Most Haunted (Travel Channel, 10pm Fri) the crew visited Fyvie Castle in Scotland. I found this to be one of the most interesting Most Haunted shows I've seen. A little history...Fyvie is one of the most impressive castles in Scotland. Located in Aberdeenshire, Fyvie's history began in the year 1211. Famous names associated with the castle include William the Lyon, Alexander II, Edward I of England, Robert the Bruce, King Charles I.
The castle is said to have many ghosts, one of which is the ghost of Dame (or Lady) Lilias D. Drummond, the wife of one of the former lords, Sir Alexander Seton. They lived here during the early 1600s. Legend says her husband locked her in a room and starved her to death because he wanted to marry her cousin (or because she wouldn't produce a son for him.) Dame Lilias haunts the castle as the Green Lady. It is said after her husband married her cousin and spent the night in a certain room, they awoke the next morning to find Lilias Drummond's name etched in stone upside down in one of the windowsills where it can still be seen today. She is said to carry the scent of roses with her.
The Most Haunted team including one of their mediums, David, held a "night vigil" in the room where she is said to have died. First they reported and showed on camera the bed moving without anyone touching it. They then asked if anyone was there to please make a noise. A thump sounded. They asked her a series of questions which she apparently answered using one thump for no and two for yes. At one point, one of the men, Carl, mentioned being married to the host of the show, Yvette, and something kicked him on the calf. Another of the men said something grabbed his shin and he was leaving because he couldn't take any more. They then deduced that the ghost, Dame Lilias, had known one of the crew members during a past life....Carl, who earlier said something had kicked him. She had evidently not liked him saying he was married....because she'd been in love with him during this past life, in the 1600s. They deduced from David's questions and the ghost's thumping noises that Carl had been Dougal a stableboy at that time and Lilies the lady of the castle and already married. Of course their love was forbidden.
Perhaps none of this is true, but it was an interesting show nevertheless, and I can't wait for the next one. Plus, wouldn't this story make a great romance novel?
UK Travel, Fyvie Castle
Fyvie Castle
The castle is said to have many ghosts, one of which is the ghost of Dame (or Lady) Lilias D. Drummond, the wife of one of the former lords, Sir Alexander Seton. They lived here during the early 1600s. Legend says her husband locked her in a room and starved her to death because he wanted to marry her cousin (or because she wouldn't produce a son for him.) Dame Lilias haunts the castle as the Green Lady. It is said after her husband married her cousin and spent the night in a certain room, they awoke the next morning to find Lilias Drummond's name etched in stone upside down in one of the windowsills where it can still be seen today. She is said to carry the scent of roses with her.
The Most Haunted team including one of their mediums, David, held a "night vigil" in the room where she is said to have died. First they reported and showed on camera the bed moving without anyone touching it. They then asked if anyone was there to please make a noise. A thump sounded. They asked her a series of questions which she apparently answered using one thump for no and two for yes. At one point, one of the men, Carl, mentioned being married to the host of the show, Yvette, and something kicked him on the calf. Another of the men said something grabbed his shin and he was leaving because he couldn't take any more. They then deduced that the ghost, Dame Lilias, had known one of the crew members during a past life....Carl, who earlier said something had kicked him. She had evidently not liked him saying he was married....because she'd been in love with him during this past life, in the 1600s. They deduced from David's questions and the ghost's thumping noises that Carl had been Dougal a stableboy at that time and Lilies the lady of the castle and already married. Of course their love was forbidden.
Perhaps none of this is true, but it was an interesting show nevertheless, and I can't wait for the next one. Plus, wouldn't this story make a great romance novel?
UK Travel, Fyvie Castle
Fyvie Castle
Vonda Sinclair writes Scottish historical, paranormal and contemporary romance.
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