First, a little about the author...
By day, Teresa Reasor works as an Art Teacher of six hundred and fifty elementary students, and by night as a part time college instructor. But every other moment---she lives in worlds bound only by her imagination, with characters she knows as well as her own family. Now that two of her three children have left the nest, she resides in a small town in Kentucky with her husband of thirty-one years, her daughter, and a menagerie of animals.
Highland Moonlight, is her first published Historical Romance. She’s just signed a contract for her second Historical, Captive Hearts, also being published by The Wild Rose Press. She has a children’s book available, Willy C. Sparks, The Dragon Who Lost His Fire, which she wrote and illustrated.
Please tell us about Highland Moonlight.
Seduced and shamed by Alexander Campbell, the warrior to whom she is betrothed, Lady Mary Mac Lachlan flees to the Campbell stronghold of Castle Lorne and demands sanctuary from Alexander's father. Though Alexander seduced Mary for her own protection and his men’s, his actions have greater repercussions than expected. His betrayal destroys Mary's trust and his belief in himself as a man of honor. Determined to heal the breach, and claim Mary--who now carries his heir--as his wife, he follows her to Lorne and finds himself brought before a council of arbitration on charges of rape. When Collin Mac Lachlan, Mary’s father tries to coerce her into testifying against Alexander, Mary refuses. But when violence threatens to break out between their clans, Mary is forced to wed him to fulfill their betrothal agreement and save him from the executioner. Amid the hostilities between their clans and the wounds inflicted on her heart, can Mary find the love and happiness she's always craved or will she discover she's been chasing a dream as illusive as Highland Moonlight?
Sounds fantastic! Do you have a review you could share with us?
Highland Moonlight was just released in download format April 13th, 2007. It will be released in print June 8th. I’m still waiting for the reviews to come in. I know the book has been sent out to several places for review, so I’m playing the waiting game to see what they say. In the meantime here are two quotes...
Love is no match for warring Scottish clans until gutsy Mary Mac Lachlan makes her stand. Teresa Reasor's debut will keep you reading!
--Award-winning author Joanne Rock
"Brimming with passion...a Scots tale of romance you won't want to miss!" --Award-winning author Joanne Rock
I'm sure the reviews will pour in soon and they will be glowing. What do you enjoy most about writing historicals set in Scotland?
Though the entire country is hauntingly beautiful and diverse, I love the people. They had such an indomitable spirit and courage, even when faced with horrible odds in battle, or when terrible atrocities were visited upon them after Culloden. They held on to their culture and their identities as a separate people, even though they weren’t allowed to play their bagpipes, speak Gaelic, or wear kilts. I believe that’s what makes them such romantic subjects for writers.
Though my book is set in Medieval times, 1328, during Robert the Bruce’s reign, that too was a time of turmoil and bloodshed. I believe I was able to capture in Highland Moonlight, some of what makes a Scot a Scot.
Please tell us about your favorite character in the book.
It’s very difficult for me to choose. I have so many characters in the book for whom I developed an affection. They became very real to me. I really liked my main character Mary. She’s strong and feisty, and faces things head on, even when she’s scared. I believe Alexander, my hero, comes across as a warrior through and through, and after fifteen years of fighting for the Bruce he’s seen too much bloodshed and heartache. Both my characters are seeking home and peace, but they struggle against some real conflicts, personal and external, before they find it.
What inspires you?
It can be some small smattering of information I run across in a book, or on the net. Braveheart certainly inspired me while I was writing Moonlight, but I drew most of my inspiration for the book from the characters themselves. I started out doing research on what hand fasting really meant and the ins and outs of the custom, and I was off and running with the plot.
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
As soon as I could read. I’ve written forever. But I didn’t really push to get published until seven years ago when my father died. He was such an inspiration. He did some amazing things during his lifetime, three of which was to survive three wars, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. When he died, I really woke up and realized that if I wasted one more second of my time, I wasn’t going to accomplish what I really wanted to do. So I started pushing myself and sending my manuscripts out to editors.
I want to leave something of myself behind for my children to be proud of. And I want people to read my words and feel that the characters I create, the lives they live, the conflicts they face, are worthwhile and memorable. But most of all I want my stories to touch their hearts. If you can do that, you know you’ve done things right.
That's very touching and inspiring. Thank you, Teresa, for being our guest here at Fierce Romance! I can't wait to read this book
Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this interview. I really enjoyed doing it.
Everyone, please visit Teresa's website for excerpts and ordering information at