I’m so pleased to introduce Maggie Van Well, one of my awesome critique partners. She made her debut in April with The Wild Rose Press with The Chase is On. So proud of her! Thanks for stopping by Maggie! Tell us a little about yourself.
Thanks for having me! I’m a native Islander. For those who don’t follow hockey, an Islander is someone born and raised on Long Island in NY. I’ve been married to the same man for 24 years and we have 4 awesome children who think I rock. They also think I’m crazy, so I have to wonder if they’re afraid to say I don’t rock. They sure freak out if I start counting to 3. I don’t know what they think I’ll do if I ever get to 3. It’s never happened. We have three rescued Italian greyhounds that creep me out because they constantly stare at me. Sometimes they whine when they stare. I don’t know why.
The Chase is On is your current release, tell us about the story.
Here’s a blurb: Midwife Kayla Morgan decides to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. However, there is a slight snag. She is newly divorced and has no desire to take the marriage path again. What’s a gal to do? Why, ask her childhood friend, Chase McBride, to help her, of course. No intimacy, no strings, and with today’s technology the former Wall Street tycoon can be vacationing in Maui when she conceives. It sounds simple, except for one small detail. Chase, who has harbored a secret love for Kayla for years, sees an opportunity he can’t pass up. If there was ever a way to get Kayla to see him as a man and not the boy she grew up with, this is it. He just hopes he doesn’t wind up losing her in the process.
*I can personally say Chase is yummy hero material. I love friends to lover romances, and The Chase is On is so gooood.*
What inspired you to write Kayla and Chase’s story?
The short answer is, I have no idea J I just picked up a pen one day, grabbed one of my kids’ marble composition notebooks and started writing this story in my head. But over the years I’ve discovered it’s more than that. I always wanted to be an OB/GYN, so it was no shock to anyone who knew me my very first book was about a midwife.
What was the submission process like for you?
This is a tough question, because I first submitted The Chase is On twelve years ago, but having never gone to college or taken any sort of writing class, I think I broke every writing rule in the book. It took me 12 years and eight books later to learn my craft enough to go back and fix the original draft. Even then, and Esmerelda will tell you, I still had to overhaul the second half of the book. But I love the way it turned out. I think in total I submitted The Chase is On eight times.
*A perfect example of perseverance prevailing. Go you!*
What are a few favorite lines from the book?
I love the opening line: Panic spread through her like an allergic reaction, so Kayla Morgan did the only thing a sensible woman in her position could do. She tackled Chase McBride. *I loved this opening line too.*
And this one was always one of my favorites: she wore a strapless red gown, which Kayla swore was held up by sheer willpower alone. *Another awesome line!*
What is your favorite scene?
I have two actually. The first being when Chase takes Kayla out to a fancy restaurant in NYC. It’s funny (well, I think so anyway) sweet with a little bit of spice thrown in. But I also love the scene where Kayla helps a fourteen year old girl delivery her baby.
What was the editing process like?
The editing process was surprisingly easy, but I hear that’s not always the case, so I think I got off easy with this one.
Let’s dive into you as a writer a little. Are you a plotter, pantser or a bit of both?
I’m a pantser, all the way. I do sometimes write out plot points (basically a word or two) just so I don’t lose track or forget something, but that’s about it.
Can you give us a hint into your current project?
Right now I’m very excited to be working on a small town series set on Eastern Long Island in NY. The first book of the series, Heart in a Sling, a humorous contemporary with a little bit of spice to it.
* Nanabooboo! I’ve read some of this, and it is fantastic!*
What is the best and worst part of writing?
The best part is finally being able to get the voices out of my head. I love the feeling I get when I’m on a roll and a scene or chapter is going so well it scares me. The worst is writer’s block. I suffered an almost 8 year bout and it was awful. When I finally got back into writing, I felt whole again.
Where do you like to write?
Anyplace where it’s quiet with a beautiful view. I rarely listen to music while I write, although songs have inspired me. I tend to stare out into space and looking at something pleasing to the eye helps me focus. Squirrels are especially entertaining.
What novel (any genre) do you wish you would have written? (I know what mine is, lol)
Hmm, I wonder if I can guess J I wish I had the imagination J.K. Rowlings had with the Harry Potter books. I think I’ve read all seven books at least five times each.
*Tee hee. You took the words right out of my mouth.*
How many hours do you try to write a week?
It varies. I have a pretty awesome life for a writer. I work at home and the work I do usually doesn’t take more than an hour or two a day. I do have four kids, but for the most part they’re old enough to take care of themselves. So I can write anywhere from 3 – 8 hours a day if I wanted.
*That is awesome! I’m waiting for my kids to go back to school, lol.*
Now let’s get personal, lol. Bring it! lol
Favorite TV show?
I don’t watch much TV, but I never miss an episode of Bones. At one point in my life I wanted to be a doctor. Well, that clearly didn’t work out (damn you chemistry class!) so I like the medical side of it. Plus, it’s funny. I like funny.
*Lurve me some Booth!*
Favorite movie?
Hmm, I’m not a movie buff, but if I had to pick one, I’d say The Princess Bride with Roxanne and Groundhog’s Day as runners up.
*Who doesn’t know where the words ‘As you wish’ comes from the moment it’s spoken? Dreamy sigh. Now I have to dig out my DVD. Thanks Maggie.*
Other than romance, what other genres do you read?
Is Harry Potter its own genre yet? J I like mysteries and thrillers.
*Actually according to On Demand, Harry Potter is its own genre, lol. Under genre it says Harry Potter.*
Ocean or Mountains?
Ocean. I love the shore, so living on an island is awesome for me.
*I’m an ocean gal myself.*
Do you like to cook?
I hate to cook lol But I’m good at it, damn it, so they make me do it. Looking back, I should’ve burned everything. I do love to bake though. No wonder my kids love me, but my scale doesn’t.
*I hate to cook too. Burning everything sounds like a plan to me, lol*
Favorite dish?
Is chocolate a dish? No, I suppose not. Okay, I’m going to be graphic here because I’m hungry and haven’t cooked dinner yet. Filet Mignon, smothered in mushrooms and onions with steamed asparagus and chicken (yes, I know, gauche) flavored rice.
*Not only do I have to dig out my copy of The Princess Bride, but now I’m hungry. You’re killing me here!*
Most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
I can tell you the time I was most horrified. When hubby and I made a ‘home video’ and then watched it. It was promptly erased. That’s all I’m saying J
*Bahahahaha!! OMG. I just spit out my drink. Freaking priceless.*
Thanks so much for stopping by, Maggie! It was great having you here.
Thanks so much for having me Esmerelda. You’ve been awesome. If I ever lose you as a critique partner I will die!! And if that puts undue pressure on you to keep me, well…I’m okay with that J
*You know the sentiment is returned, my dear. Smooches.*
Want to win a copy of The Chase is On?? Yes, you say. Leave a comment to be entered in one of two random drawings. Maggie has generously offered one commenter a signed print copy of The Chase is On and one e-book version to another.
You can buy a The Chase is On at: The Wild Rose Press, Amazon (Print), Amazon (ebook), and
Barnes and Noble