I'm thrilled that we again have Melissa Mayhue visiting with us to tell us about her newest book, just released a few days ago! Welcome, Melissa! Please tell us about
Soul of a Highlander.
Soul of a Highlander picks up almost eight months after the end of
Highland Guardian. Here’s the back cover blurb:
Nine years ago, Faerie Magic saved Mairi MacKiernan at the cost of her dreams of happiness, snatching her from her life in 1272 and depositing her in the twenty-first century. Now she must save the last Daughter of the MacKiernan family…who was murdered in 1295. Transported back in time, Mairi finds herself captured by the same evil men as before! Is this the price the Faerie Magic requires of her this time?
Ramos Servans has dedicated his dreams to service as a Guardian, but when he discovers the evil unleashed on the Mortal Plain by his father and their people, he swears he will atone by ridding the world of Nuadian deceit. Part of his mission involves rescuing a lovely Highland lassie, and in the passion that grows between them, Ramos and Mairi find a new dream.
But falling in love can be dangerous when Faerie Magic is involved. Dreams may not be the only cost…
Vonda: Sounds wonderful! What inspired this story idea?
Melissa: As I considered Mairi’s plight at the end of
Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband, I knew I needed to tell her story. Bringing back some of the original characters – and introducing some new ones – just seemed a natural next step in the series. Both Mairi and Ramos had huge issues with having been betrayed by a family member they trusted. It made them a perfect fit for one another.
Vonda: What was the most important thing you learned (the thing that made all the difference) just before you made your first sale?
Melissa: That’s a really good question…but honestly, I didn’t know much at all before I made my first sale! I was blundering along on blind instinct. I can tell you now the two most important things I did that made that sale possible…in spite of my not knowing anything at the time!!!
1 – Finish the book. Write the book that’s in your heart, no matter what other people tell you about what you can and can’t do. If it’s a good story, there will be a home for it.
2 – Network. Join professional writing groups and never, ever miss an opportunity to tell someone about your book!!
Vonda: Great advice! What is your writing process or method?
Melissa: The first thing I do is decide who my hero and heroine are and I get a mental picture of them in my head. I need to know the basics about their personality and what problem they’re going to face. Then I set down at my keyboard and go to work.
And before anyone asks… :-) … No, I don’t actually plot. I know more or less what the overall challenge will be, and I know my hero and heroine are going to end up with their Happy Ever After, but the rest pretty much comes as I write it. The further I get into the story, the more I know about what is going to happen next.
Vonda: What’s next for you?
Melissa: I’m currently working on edits for the fourth book in the series,
A Highlander of Her Own. The heroine is a brand new character, but the hero shows up for the first time in Soul of a Highlander. And I really like them both. You can be looking for that book in January/February 2009.
Just before I got the edits to work on, I had started Book Five. It doesn’t have a name yet and won’t be a time travel, but it will be similar in tone to Highland Guardian, giving the readers another helping of the Fae and the Nuadians. It will be Jesse’s book, for those readers who might be wondering. :-)
And for anyone who is waiting for more time travels out of the series…never fear! We’ll be going back to Thirteenth Century Scotland with Books Six and Seven. [No… they aren’t plotted yet. :-) But I do know who the lead characters will be in those two books].
Vonda: Congratulations on those additional sales! Would you like to ask blog readers a question?
Melissa: I always want to know what readers think of the stories and the characters!! :-) And if they have a favorite character or story. Most of all, I’d like to encourage them to drop by my website.
http://www.melissamayhue.com/ It’s constantly evolving now, so new pieces are being added – even as we speak! :-) There will be a section that allows me to update readers on what I’m currently working on and on what is planned for the future of the Series.
My webmistress is also working on attaching something [I am so not technical] that will allow visitors to leave a question or comment and me to answer it right there! We hope to have that up in the next month or so.
Also, don’t ever hesitate to drop me an email. I’m open to questions or simply to hearing your thoughts! I love to visit with readers!
And, of course, I couldn’t end this without saying how very much I appreciate your taking the time to do this interview, Vonda, and allowing me the opportunity to ‘chat’ with all the readers of Fierce Romance!
Vonda: Thank YOU Melissa! I always enjoy interviewing you and learning about your books! I can't wait to buy this one.
Click here to buy the book.