Here are some easy-on-the-eyes examples of men worth watching, in more ways than one. What do I find appealing? Read on and more than my thoughts will be revealed.
I’m interested in a man who…
Is ready for whatever life tosses at him. Prepared to discuss any problem and make a decision upon which we both agree. Focused on fidelity and done with playing the proverbial field.
Would go through Hell and high water. No man will steal my heart quicker than one who promises to have, hold, and protect those he loves from harm. Menlikus from TO HELLE AND BACK AGAIN defines this role.
Goes to the mat—and not just at the local gym. Flexing of muscles is fine, and appealing, but a man who can problem solve and remain persistent in the face of opposition gets and keeps my attention.
Looks as good from the rear as from the front. Face it, we love seeing his handsome face. His winning smile. Eyes that flash at the first stirrings of lust or danger. How he keeps his posture perfect and invites his woman to share the details of her bad day. His shoulders are broad, and he loves brainstorming.

Is not afraid to bare his soul as well as his body. While men aren’t prone to talking as much as we women, I prefer a man who doesn’t brood. Silent types, men who never open up and share their deepest desires and fears, won’t win me over. Spilling every secret isn’t necessary, but always withholding feelings and retreating when he needs to be holding the field in a conversation with his significant other is a sure sign he’s better off a part of your past than your present. Charles Galletiére of TORMENTED meets this description and more.
Works as hard as he plays keeps my body temperature higher than a day spent in the desert sun. His work ethic is as strong as his physique. He remains passionate about his profession and the time alone he spends with the woman of his wildest fantasies and life. A lust for living and giving his “all” for his romantic relationship define this guy. Jack Dodson from ROUGHRIDER fits this profile.
My cover artists for Ellora’s Cave have gifted me with some fabulous covers. Covers that perfectly bring my fictional heroes to life.
Here’s a video purely for your viewing pleasure. Let your imagination take flight!
Wishing you all many happy reading moments,
Shawna Moore
TORMENTED -- Ellora's Cave (Must-Read from Dark Angel Reviews)
Shawna's Myspace
Helle's Myspace
OOh, my kind of video, Shawna. What a way to start the day! :)
Love the video! A great end to a wonderful weekend. Thanks!
Wonderful hot pics, Shawna!! Love the video too!!
Wow, Shawna - thanks for the great video. Great way to end "eye candy" week at FR! (And I think I just found the inspiration for my cowboy in my next book!)
Hi, Natasha!
Glad I started your week out well :) Enjoying a bit of eye candy is a craving we all can satisfy once in a while--without the guilt or calories :)
Happy week wishes,
Hi, Cameo!
Glad you enjoyed the video :) Though I had more things on my Sunday to-do list, I watched it again :) Very inspiring for future erotic romance heroes :)
Happy week wishes,
Hi, Nicole!
Glad you enjoyed the pics and video. 'twas truly a pleasure finding those hunks for our blog :)
Happy week wishes,
Hey, Carol!
I'm excited to have provided you inspiration for your next cowboy hero. Can't wait to read the book in which he's featured :)
Happy week wishes,
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