I also just received this fantastic review on Savage Hunger from Lost in Books by Cassandra, as though it was fate that both would happen on the same day. :)
You know I’m teasing, right? :)

Savage Hunger
Heart of the Jaguar #1
by Terry Spear
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My Thoughts – 5 out of 5 Unicorns – I loved it!!!

I love Kat as a character. She is brave and confident and doesn’t want to just sit around while everyone else does the protecting. But my favorites are Maya and her twin brother, they are awesome how they stick together and go out on a limb for each other ;) I’m hoping Maya’s story is next :) There is plenty of action and conflict in this story to keep you hooked.
Terry does an awesome job of building the world because I was never bored reading it. If I wasn’t watching my sister’s kids (4 of them), I’d have read this in one sitting :)
I highly recommend this book to my shifter loving friends, jaguar lovers & those who already love Terry Spear!! Can’t wait to read more and since I have next book with me on vacation it will be soon!!!
Interested in reading???
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And I’m back to working on edits to Her Highland Hero, and writing the novella: His Wild Highland Lass.
I was pondering the novella this morning. I had reached 12,000, but the problem with writing a 20,000-word piece of work is that you have to get to the point pretty quickly. So I was thinking about the opening and I’m going to have to rework it, have the hero see her sooner, not the build up so much, like I can do in a longer novel. But I want also to have her see him first. It means my word count will go down to begin with, but when I add her new scene it, that should bring me back up on word count. In the end, all that matters is the story turns out right. :) I always have to just write away, and then I begin to see who the characters are, what their pasts are, what the problem is. I often can’t figure that out by trying to plot it out first. And in the end, that works for me!
My beta readers LOVE Her Highland Hero, soooo, it’s on track. :) And I can’t wait to share it soon! Oh, and that’s why I didn’t post yesterday! Juggling 2 books at the same time. Back to juggling!
Have a super, lovely Saturday!!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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