I'm still celebrating the release of Flaunt It and the beginning of my Paolo's Playhouse series from Samhain. All four of the playhouse stories deal with sexual fantasies. Flaunt It plays with exhibitionism, Risk It with voyeurism, Birthday Girl plays with menage and some BDSM. Birthday Girl delves deeper into BDSM. And Paolo's Playhouse has the playrooms that make it all possible.
We all have our own fantasies. We close our eyes and let our imagination run wild, and when we do, our minds and bodies respond. Most of us will never live out our sexual fantasies, but we can embrace them. We don't need to apologize or be ashamed of them. A fantasy, by definition, is a safe way to explore those arousing scenarios we'd most likely never want to try out in real life.
My strongest fantasies play with bondage and/or exhibitionism. (As if my readers can't tell that from the stories I write!) I love to play around with fantasies in my erotic romances. So here's where the contest comes in.
Since it's my birthday, I'm giving a gift to one Fierce Romance reader to celebrate. I'll choose a commenter at random from today's post and send them a $10 Amazon gift card. You can use it to buy some of my current releases...or my backlist...or of course, enjoy other fabulous writers out there as well.
So start those comments coming in. If you'd like to, I'd love to hear what your fantasies are so I can make sure to play with them in my upcoming stories. But if you don't feel comfortable doing that, tell us what your favorite birthday gift was. I could use some ideas for next year! Then check back tomorrow morning for the winner of my Birthday Fantasy Contest.
FLAUNT IT - Available now
RISK IT - Coming Nov 15th
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday gift ever was a number sign for our house. Odd, yes? But my dd was in 5th grade and she went through a lot to get it (handmade) and I actually love it aside from that. But her efforts made it so special.
was the year I got african violets from my boys they so cute when they gave them to me. they were 8 and 2 and paid for them with their own money.
Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day. Any gift from my kids is always good. My best gift was actually a picture frame with 4 great pictures of my family in it. I loved this gift. I put it on my desk at work. I most inexpensive gifts are usually the best.
Happy birthday!!! I wish you many years of active & creative work.
Big congrats on your release!
I love books, that's why I prefer to receive a book from my wishlist or maybe even a gift card to the bookstore. My birthday is next month & I'm already excited about possible gifts :)
Happy Birthday! Mine was on Saturday and I had a fantastic weekend. Time alone with hubby, lots of good food and wine, tons of facebook messages, new shoes and a pedi! Can't wait to get my hands on Flaunt It - looks SO good. Hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday Natasha. I don't really have a favorite birthday gift. They all mean a lot to me, especially the ones from the kids. Have a great day.
Virgos are the best! My bday was on the third!
Not sure about my favorite birthday gift, but if you read my books you'll figure out what some of my fantasies are. The whole idea of BDSM fascinates me - can you tell I was a psych major in college?
To anyone reading the comments, I've read Flaunt It, and I can't wait for Risk It! Yay!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Great post, Natasha.
For some reason, my fantasy is spanking. I used to subscribe to a spanking stories website, but the editing was so bad, I couldn't enjoy the books.
I'm not entering. I just want to say Happy Birthday, Natasha!! Hope you have a fun day!! :)
Happy Birthday :)
my fantasy involves a picnic table and 2 hunky men
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday present was my Kindle.
Happy Birthday!
My best ever present was getting to see The Who on my birthday.
Hi Natasha! Happy Birthday!! (My birthday is on the 20th so I have some fun stuff to look forward too!) My favorite fantasy involves some light BDSM and two hot guys. (Ok, so I like it when I have to call a man "Master" and the idea of having TWO men that I have to call "Master"....*drool!*
Ashley A
Well look at that...You, Amanda and I have birthdays all right in a row!! Hers was the 2nd...mine the 8th, and now yours!! Too funny!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
this year my hubby bought me a book I really wanted. And then took me shopping...I bought some new shoes and a dress for a night out next month with friends...limo and the whole shebang!
As far as fantasies go...hmmm.....probably keep those to myself ;) Save them for my own books!! LOL!!!
Happy Birthday!
My favorite birthday gift so far has been the Keurig single coffee machine. I just love it, I can have a cup of coffe, tea (hot and cold!), or even hot chocolate. Best present ever!
Happy, happy birthday, Natasha!! Favorite birthday gift these days is some alone time ;) I also appreciate the little photo-books DH puts together with the kids. Those make me feel warm and happy every time I look at them.
As for fantasy? I'm with you--a little tie-me-up, show-me-off is super fun and hot to read, not that I think I could participate in real life ;)
Happy Birthday! My birthday was last week. I got money (for books). :) If i can have books for my birthday, im perfectly happy! :) Flaunt It sounds awesome! Cant wait to read it. BDSM fascinates me. The whole being dominated thing...such a turn on! lol Hope you have a wonderful birthday! Lots of best wishes!
Happy Birthday. A day spent reading is my idea of rest and relaxation. My favourite gift is a ticket to a hockey game.
Cambonified {at} yahoo {dot} com
Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday gift isn't actually for my birthday, it's what my bf wrote yesterday about HIS birthday. "Thanks to everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes. I had a great day. I guess 52 is better than 25 after all. Cyndi and me have become 'promised' to each other. Kinda tough for both of us since we can't live together yet, but we've made it through a year. We'll be OK as long as we continue to consider each other's feelings, respect each other's opinions and love each other for who we are. ♥ I got a couple of much appreciated presents and some b-day cards with a few bucks and/or 'scratchies' in them (also appreciated). But the best gift of all is the continuing love of my wonderful lady, Cyndi." cyndiyurick at hotmail.com
Happy Birthday, Natasha!! I'm pretty much living my fantasy: writing them down, LOL! I hope you had an awesome birthday!
Happy birthday! My favorite fantasy is a menage. I love reading menage books and I also like reading bdsm books. Flaunt It sounds great and is on my to be read list!
Happy birthday! I hope you had a great one, mine's coming up in a few days so I can understand your excitement!
As for a fantasy? Well I love reading about menages and some light BDSM, I'm honestly not sure if I could participate in either of those though.
If I had to chose something not so emotionally bonding as my fantasy though I'd have to say.... maybe being blindfolded, I just think that the fact that your other senses become stronger when one is dimmed or taken away seems to make things a little more...interesting.
Again I'm not sure if this is something I'd have the courage to try out but you never know.... it's kind of something to think about I guess.
I hope you had an awesome birthday, and I'm wishing you many more happy ones!
This was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who chimed in with fantasies and birthday gifts. I took notes! LOL And wow to all the September birthdays out there!
It's back to the edj for me this morning, but before I go, I picked a commenter out of a hat and the winner is...
EdgesAngel22 !!! Congrats!
Happy Birthday Natasha. Virgos Rock. My birthday was on 8/31. Flaunt It sound great. Putting it on my wishlist. The best birthday present was a puppy my bff gave me about 7 years ago. He is my baby, my child, my son(you know the short hairy one with a tail <^_^>) My fantasy is to be kidnapped as a mate for a dragon shifter.....
Thanks for the contest.
reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com
Want to see a picture of my son, the short hairy one with a tail. Just look at my avatar!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to say a Happy belated Birthday. I've been under the weather and not on the computer for awhile. I'm sorry I missed it. This sounded like fun!!
Thanks, Christine
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