The man who currently holds my heart a willing captive shared a blissful escape with me to Virginia Beach last summer. From the minute we pulled out of the driveway and set a course southward, we fully intended on making the most of our warm-weather getaway.
An early departure found us at our destination in time to behold a glorious sunrise. We embraced and kissed each other as the surf kissed the shoreline. What a perfect moment to take my breath away.

The sand tickled our toes as we headed toward the pier and early-morning fishermen. After engaging several of the line-casters in conversation, we returned to the SUV and gathered the beach-going gear. What better way to pass the time until our room was ready than stretching out on soft blankets or letting the waves carry us back to the shore?
Our bed and breakfast provided the ultimate in comfort and congeniality not to mention a fabulous spa tub. The garden welcomed us for some relaxing moments reading the local newspaper and visitor guides.

A stroll on the boardwalk found us greeted by Poseidon in all of his sculpted glory.

We sampled some of the finest seafood and Southern cuisine, but these fine dining experiences merely whetted our appetite for moonlit walks and giggling sessions spent in the Jacuzzi.
Time slipped away from us and the trip homeward loomed. We bid farewell to the place we'd chosen for our first vacation together and vowed to return. But I'll always remember that romantic retreat and remain thankful for the man I love more with each passing day.
Wishing you all many loving and happy moments,
Shawna Moore
TORMENTED (Recommended Read) -- Ellora's Cave
ROUGHRIDER -- Ellora's Cave
HELLE IN HEELS -- Ellora's Cave
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