Last night I received not one but 5 wonderful reviews for Beast in a Kilt (and Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies) from Deviant Divas Erotic Book Review.
[Overall] DIVA RATING: 4.5
Here are some of my favorite quotes from them:
"Secrets Volume 29 Indulge Your Fantasies is 4 novellas that are all hot reads in their own right... In Beast in a Kilt, Catriona takes matters into her own hands and proves to Torr love can overcome anything. The female characters are all strong will women. Who can stand up when needed and let their partners take over. I was pulled into each story very quickly and loved every minute...." Reviewed by Kitty
"There is a good blend of spice mixed with a meaty story!" Reviewed by Wicked
"Beast in a Kilt by Nicole North
This was my favorite book out of the four stories. Childhood friends cursed by a dark witch, unknown to them; the only way to break the spell is for each of the three men to find their true love. Catriona has been promised to a man thrice her age. Her brother, chieftain of the household is only one that can get her out of this arrangement. He is hiding because of the curse he bears. Since childhood she has always known that her brother's best friend, now also cursed, is who she wants to marry. Convincing him that admitting that he loves her will break the curse is tougher than she thought. Finding her brother in time to call off the wedding, is not possible... This had the sexual tension that kept you engaged in the story, an easy fluid read and well written." Reviewed by SubPage
"This book was awesome. I feel guilty for not reading it as soon as I got it. The books contained within this novel just got better and better.
Beast in a Kilt by Nicole North
OMG this is a story I could read and re read. The sensual play between Catriona and Torr was amazing. Catriona has wanted Torr for such a long time and will no longer be denied and he is not even her betrothed. After trying to rescue her brother from his curse she in turn manages to free Torr from his curse. I can honestly say that I will be looking up more books from this author. Well worth the read and an awesome book to play with!!!
All in all I loved this book. It started with a slow burn and then got to completely orgasmic. I am tonight going to be looking up the other Secrets Books on Amazon. Thank you so much for introducing me." Reviewed by Noushie
Thanks so much, Divas!! I'm thrilled you enjoyed Secrets Volume 29!
Congratulations on such a wonderful review!
It's well deserved.
OMG Nicole! Kudos to you sweetie! And every single word of each review is hands down the truth! I love your stories and will stand in line the buy future ones. So get to writing missy!
Thanks so much, Casey!!!
Lizzie, thanks!!! You've made my day, just as these reviews made me have sweet dreams all night. :) I'm thrilled you enjoyed them!!
How awesome!! Congrats!!!
Thanks, Esme!! :)
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