The hero as depicted on my cover has a tattoo, and I think it's kinda sexy. Tattoos are becoming so popular today, it's almost hard to find a 20-something without one! Many years ago, I dated a Brit, who had tattoos down both of his arms and on his chest. It wasn't as common then, and he got a lot of looks. He said he got the tattoos in England when he was young and regretted them.
I don't think people would give him a second look today. So many musicians, actors, writers?, and athletes have tattoos, including my fave, David Beckham. And of course, tattoos aren't just for men anymore. Women started with the delicate flower or butterfly in a discreet spot like a wrist or ankle. Now some women have full-on tattoos down their arms or on their backs. I think at my former hair salon it was a prerequisite to be tattooed. Even one of the moms from my son's baseball team this year had tattoos down one arm (she's a pediatric nurse!). My son's soccer coach had tattoos on his legs (which he must've shaved). Several of my sons' teachers have them too.
So what's with all the body art? How's it going to look when these illustrated people reach 80 years old? Are those of us who remain untouched by the tattoo artist's needle going to be the odd ones out? If we stare at someone's tattoo long enough will it come to life and tell a story? (OK, I stole that from one of my favorite Ray Bradbury collections, The Illustrated Man.)
How do you feel about tattoos? Do you have any and can you tell us where? (Shhh, we won't tell.)
My daughter (one of those 20-somethings) has a tattoo. My 20-something son would like one, but he doesn't have the money right now. His girlfriend and her mother just got them. So yeah, I think it's getting a lot more common too. I've thought about it...and I might at some point, maybe to celebrate some great event. But it will probably be in a discreet spot lol.
Oooh nice cover, Mia! I like the guy's sexy tattoo. I don't have any tattoos myself. I like them on other people sometimes, other times not. Depends on what it is, how well done, where it is, etc. If I were to get one it would be something Celtic in a discreet place. :)
Natasha, When a girl and her mother get tattoos at the same time, you know you have a cultural phenomenon!
Nicole, I think I'll pass on ever getting a tattoo - if just to be different! I love the cover too. One of the other Red Sage Presents covers had a tattooed man - was it Rae's Blood Games?
Again, great blog, Carol. You always seem to talk about something I can relate to. ;-) I happen to love tattoos, I think they're sexy, sexy, sexy! I don't have any, but my best friend Amanda has many, and my brother just got one, the Batman signal on his upper arm. My ex had them up and down his arms, and I even got to watch him get my name put on his arm (bet he regrets that one...LOL). Most of my heroes have them as well. :-)
I don't have a tattoo, and never really liked them much, until I saw country singer Gary Allen in concert and man, was he sexy! (coulda had something to do with the voice that gave me butterflies, too LOL) He has one on the inside of his forearm that, if I remember correctly, curves around to the back of his hand. Don't know why I loved it so much.
It was Gary Allen who inspired one of my characters in Welcome to Redemption to have tattoos.
I'm still not a huge fan in general, but would love to see Gary anytime. (again, it could be the voice)
Liza, yeah that's the problem with getting someone's name tattooed on your arm! Didn't Johnny Depp have Winona Ryder's name changed to Wino or something? LOL My ex-boyfriend with the tattoos had his ex-wife's name on his arm. As the "current" girlfriend, I didn't like that much!
Stacey, I just have to read Welcome to Redemption. Now I'll be looking for the character with the tattoo. One of my heroines, who's a rock singer, has a tattoo, but I haven't sold that book yet ;)
I'm not into tattoos alot, but some are true artwork and some are so nicely done and well placed that I enjoy looking at them; like your cover guy. I wanted one when I was younger, but with age comes wisdom and flabby skin. LOL If I were to get back in shape I might consider one.
Jill, you bring up an interesting point. When is it bad form to study someone's tattoo? I never actually look long and hard enough at anyone's tattoo to distinguish what it is, except if it's something simple like a heart. I guess I don't want them to think I'm being rude. LOL Also, I hate the tattoos on the back of the neck. My hubby, who's in law enforcement, says that's pure prison/gang stuff.
Gorgeous cover, Mia! I want him, tattoo and all!!! ;-)
Thanks, Calista! Isn't Red Sage doing fabulous work on their covers for Presents?
Do great minds think alike or what?*grin* I was going to post on my blog about tattoos, but it since the topic came up here...
Although I doubt I’d ever get one based on my issues with commitment, I like tattoos on some people. Okay, on hunks. I like tattoos on hunks, and mainly only if they are below the waist and instructional (tug this, push hard, caution: beast within). I might get some temporary tattoos at some point in different secret places and designs just to spice things up a bit in the BR. I do have a bit of frustration with body art in that sometimes it makes finding pictures for cover art or for my book trailers more difficult. Most of the time visible body art doesn't matter, but for some of my heroes or heroines, it just wouldn't be possible. Thank goodness for photo-editing software!
PS Love the cover!
Cameo, OK, you've hit on an important aspect of a tattoo - who has it. Love your idea of an "instructional" tattoo! LOL
Not only who has it, but who's gonna let me see it. Heh heh. :)
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