Tambra Kendall knew from the time she was 12 years old she wanted to write romance. All those summers spent at the public library reading historical romance provided her love of the genre. In 1994, she joined Romance Writers of America and began the long journey to publication.
Ms. Kendall teaches online creative writing classes for Earthly Charms and various RWA chapters. She is a CTM, a Competent Toastmaster, and speaks to local writing organizations on the craft of writing.
Ms. Kendall writes highly sensual, erotic paranormal romance for Whiskey Creek Press, Aspen Mountain Press and both erotic and sensual romance, under the pen name Keelia Greer for Red Rose Publishing.
Nicole: Welcome, Tambra! Please tell us about your upcoming story.
Tambra: GOIN’ DOWN ANTHOLOGY BOOK TWO features my contemporary erotic romance short called The Erotic Touch. All of the stories are themed love in an elevator. There really is a great variety of stories in this anthology.
Story Blurb:
THE EROTIC TOUCH in Goin’ Down Anthology Book 2 from Aspen Mountain Press
When a sexy lingerie boutique owner finds more than a good time inside an elevator, her hero gives her not only her darkest fantasy but also his heart.
Nicole: Sounds fantastic!! Love in an elevator--very cool... or HOT in this case!! :-) This isn't your first published work. Please tell us about your others.
Tambra: I’m thrilled just as if this were my first publication. I have five other titles with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid and one with Red Rose Publishing.
Nicole: What element of story creation is your favorite and why?
Tambra: How character and plot are woven so tightly together the full picture of the story comes to life
Nicole: That's a fun part. What was the most important thing you learned (the thing that made all the difference) just before you made your first sale?
Tambra: Learning the basics of the craft of writing. This means-show don’t tell, plotting, point of view and when and how to shift smoothly.
Nicole: What do you wish you’d known before becoming published?
Tambra: How to bring all the elements of fiction writing together sooner!
Nicole: What’s next for you?
Tambra: I have a submission with Red Sage and I’m working on a Nocturne Bites submission.
Nicole: Good luck! I hope you receive several contracts! Thanks for being with us today, Tambra! I enjoyed it!
Everyone please visit Tambra Kendall's websites:
A question for all of you: If you read erotic romance, do you prefer anthologies or full length novels?
Great Interview.
Sounds like a great, hot read.
Christie Craig
Hey Tambra, great interview. Sounds like things are moving right along for you. Yay! And the anthology sounds yummy. Best of luck with sales
Tambra, best of luck with Red Sage! The antho reminds me of that Aerosmith song - Love in an elevator...
Hey ladies! From one GOIN' Down lady to another - great to read your interview Tambra!!
Tambra's a great girl and I know everyone who reads her story, The Erotic Touch, is going to love it! I sure did!
Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone!
As for Red Sage, I'll keep trying.
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