We all have wants, dreams and desires regarding the material and immaterial. For years I’ve dreamed of wearing a certain style of black cocktail dress. A dress with a halter bodice and alluring pleated skirt like the style Marilyn Monroe made a timeless couture classic. While I might be short in stature, my dreams are statuesque.
So many times I’ve browsed racks where similar dress styles hang, but I never dared trying on those sexy garments. Yesterday while shopping, I spotted the perfect match to the dress of my dreams. My husband urged me to model the dress and added some compliments that headed me toward the fitting room, the dream dress in hand. As soon as I adjusted the halter ties, stepped from the cubicle and caught my reflection in the mirror, the same warm fuzzies that happen when I sip a sinfully delicious cup of cocoa filled my entire body. Both of the boutique’s associates and hubby agreed the dress was made for me. If I’d hesitated and let the dress remain on the rack, I never would have experienced the ego boost or added a stunning piece to my wardrobe. What made the purchase even better was the fact my flirty dress was discounted to an equally dreamy and perfect price.
After the purchase I pondered a recent happening that found me making another dream become fiction-writing reality. Over lunch at my desk, the idea for a new erotic paranormal romance struck. For the next hour I plotted the first meeting scene, major turning points, black moment/climax, romantic ending, and rough-sketched the main characters and two secondary players. Excited doesn’t begin to convey how I felt during those feverish minutes. Though I’d originally hoped to continue working on plotting a different short erotica story, there was no way I could risk losing this story from those daydreaming moments.
When we write our stories, we give our characters some of our same flaws, passions, and moments of hesitation. Basically, there’s a bit of me in every heroine I’ve created. The paranormal heroine I’ve most recently brought to fictional life has already hinted she wants at least one spin-off of the initial story. Though I usually only plot one new story at a time, my going against my writing norm not only brought me a great deal of happiness but also will possibly yield the bonus of connected stories. Oh, and a moment of confession—I still remember the first time I asked a handsome stranger to dance. Talk about tough. There could have been a million butterflies waltzing around in my stomach that evening. And someone turned up the thermostat before I could blink. Where was a ceiling fan when a girl most needed one? The outcome—a couple romantically-intense years and many blissful moments. Though we parted ways, the parting was amicable and I’m glad our partnership continued past the dance floor if only for a finite span of time.
My advice--dare to dream! No matter what stands in your way, always strive to make your most precious dreams become reality.
What about you, readers? Have you ever pushed past a moment of moderate to profound hesitation and been blessed with a positive outcome?
Wishing you all many happy reading moments,
Shawna Moore
ROUGHRIDER -- Ellora's Cave Exotika
HELLE IN HEELS -- Ellora's Cave Exotika
TORMENTED -- Coming soon to Ellora's Cave
Shawna's Myspace
Helle's Myspace
Shawna, I found your post wonderful and touching! Dreams are so important! It was inspiring and motivating to hear about your new story and how it came to life. I bet that dress is beautiful on you too! Hugs!
Hi, Vonda!
Even more of late, I'm a believer in the power of dreams and doing my utmost to make them become reality :) I'm really excited about the dress, too :) Had to try it on again once I got home, then I hung it away :)
Glad to hear my post was enjoyable and inspirational :)
Happy week wishes,
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