1. Hulu.com – I don’t have cable and I think we only have one or two basic channels so I’ve never been a big television watcher. However, since discovering hulu.com I’m a bit of a junkie at times. I get to watch shows like Human Target and Bones when I choose! Watching Mark Valley and David Boreanaz are good for research though…or at least that’s what I tell myself.
2. My Kindle – Part of writing means socializing on online networks etc. which means I’m introduced to more books now than before I was a writer. And ever since I got the Kindle for Christmas it’s been so much easier to feed my addiction to books. Now I get my books delivered instantly. The only bad thing is my TBR pile has grown crazy big and I never seem to put a dent in it.
3. My husband – His work schedule isn’t always typical so when he’s home during my regular work hours, he likes to distract me. And not always intentionally. If I can’t concentrate on a scene or feel like slacking off, having him there is the perfect excuse to not work. I’ll drag him to see a movie or for a stroll downtown to a deli I’m obsessed with. I can’t claim any of this is for research but it’s usually a nice break.
4. The Sun – I work from home and my office is attached to our back deck which means I get lots of wonderful natural sunlight streaming through the sliding glass doors. In the summer months around noon I start to get antsy seeing all that brilliant light and just can’t help myself. So I’ll usually take a half hour mental break listening to my iPod and soaking up those rays.
These are my four sure-fire distractions. Luckily I don’t get distracted that often or I’d never get anything done!
What are your favorite distractions? Since Nicole has been cool enough to let me blog here today I’m offering a digital copy of Dangerous Secrets to one commenter who answers my question. I’ll choose the winner from a random number generator after 12 (noon) Eastern tomorrow and announce it in the comments section.
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Dangerous Secrets by Katie Reus is now available from Carina Press.
Isabelle Ballantine has been fighting for independence since she was old enough to walk. Now that she's finally out from under her father's shadow, she won't let anyone stand in her way. It's tough living on her own, working in a bar and keeping her true identity a secret, but things start to look up when a sexy new stranger walks into her life. After working side by side for weeks, Izzy can't figure out why he won't make a move.
To cinch the deal of a lifetime, Adam Marcellus agrees to help Izzy's eccentric father convince his daughter to move home. He'd assumed Izzy would be another spoiled rich princess, but he's surprised to discover his feelings for her are stronger than anything he's ever experienced. When a deranged stalker targets her, Adam finds himself fighting not only an unknown threat—but an unexpected attraction to the one woman he can't have.
Katie Reus has been reading romance since she was a kid and the addiction stayed with her into adulthood. She writes sexy paranormal romance and fast-paced romantic suspense. Dangerous Secrets released from Carina Press last month and in February 2012, her first book in a paranormal trilogy will release from Signet Eclipse (NAL/Penguin). If you’d like to learn more about her please visit her website, blog, or find her on twitter @katiereus.
I agree, the Internet ranks right up there in terms of distraction. I may be writing, but it seems about every 20 minutes I just HAVE to go check emails. A non-favorite distraction is a combination of friend/family/neighbors/yeseven some writing friends who seem to assume since I'm working at home I'm not working. They are quite sure I'll be up for their latest gossip, project or whatever and drop in while I'm focused on something that requires concentration on the level of brain surgery and time commitment like cleaning out the Aegean Stables! ARGH. Anyone else have this distraction?
Distractions can be a total time eater, can't they? When I need a break from writing, I spend time on Twitter and Facebook, as well as read e-books on my Kyros Android.
When my 4 year old daughter is around, I just can't concentrate with the constant Mommy! and Why? shouts in my ear.
And lastly, my muse often distracts me from what I NEED to get done. Sometimes when I want to work on book A, he's flitted off to story B, C or D. Sometimes I just have to indulge him. :)
Kate, thank you so much for sharing. At least I don't feel alone!
Facebook. Biggest distraction for me. When I started getting serious about writing, Facebook tore me into 10 different directions. I needed to connect to other writers outside of my writing orgs. I needed to also connect to my friends and family who live in other cities. What I didn't need were the 1100 people that I game with not only on one account but two accounts. I have curtailed considerably since joining RWA but it still invades my daily life.
My job. I work anywhere from 40 to 60 hours a week. Sometimes I don't get home until 9PM leaving little to no time for writing. I find that the house and bills can go unattended for over a week.
My boyfriend (or DH whichever). He also works long hours and sometimes we rarely get to chat during the day. I know he wants to talk when we get home but I have the itch to write when I get that free moment. Dividing my time has been horrible. I admit I am failing at it. While he tries to be understanding, I am sure he gets annoyed.
Agghghg, I am SO bad with distractions! Of course I have the kids pulling at me, but when I have the time to seriously write I find myself....on twitter. On blogs. On facebook. Longing to pick up my Kindle. And obsessively checking email. Great post!
Since we've moved, and my office has great views, I'll get distracted by birds in the treetops or deer in the yard (usually because the Hubster shouts, "Deer in the yard!".
I think there's a difference between breaks and distractions, though. Getting up and wandering the house, or taking a break to do something else can help keep those neural pathways open--not to mention it's good to get away from the computer.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Hey, Katie! I don't believe a word of this post, personally. I know how many words you churn out on a regular basis, so I'd have to say your "slacking off" is pretty minor. I love that your man and your Kindle are among your top distractions :) Nothing better to get the must fired up than reading an awesome book!
You are so right; the internet is a big distraction. But it does keep us in touch with family and friends so much easier and also with our favorite hobbies: books!
Those are all my distractions with the exception of Hulu. My biggest one is the Internet - email, Facebook, etc. Oh, and Scrabble - that's a biggie!
I have a serious distraction - he speaks Scottish and is my (sigh)addiction. BUT, I do protest that he is also my inspiration for my heroes and his movies push me forward in creating better, sexier heroes. I use his photos as bribes to my online teachers and never hear a complaint. Yes, Gerard Butler can interrupt me any time he wants. :)
I do love to check my emails. They draw me like a ringing phone. I need to know who is there.
Since I almost live like a hermit in the Sierra Mountains, I have a lot of time to spend at the computer. When I'm creating another quilt, I can take time to rest my hands and let the creative juices flow. I guess that isn't really a distration. :)
Nice meeting you today.
Human Target and Bones are huge distractions for me. With Netflix, I've started Bones not too long ago on several friends recommendations and am in the 3rd season. Love it!! So that is a HUGE distraction. Actually, since we've cut cable, the DH and I like to watch shows together. I've got to learn to say "NO" to him, though. Don't know how that'll go over, though. lol Also, though I've tried to cut down on blog visiting drastically, I miss it and want to figure a way to schedule it in again. And then there are emails.
Congratulations on DangerousSecrets. Romantic Suspense is my favorite genre.
Thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far! I'm loving all these reasons for distractions. The computer and Internet (social media) seem to be a common theme for a lot of us :)
My distractions include the Internet, books, and TV. I am always putting things off in order to do one of these things.
Definitely the internet, I love checking out my daily list of favorite blogs.
My Kindle too. Just got it for my birthday two weeks ago, and I am having the best time with it.
TV time. I have a DVR and totally love it. I can tape all my favorite shows, and watch them whenever I get a chance through out the day.
Spring time is distracting, since I love planting flowers in all my empty flower pots.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Miriam you're the winner of a digital copy of Dangerous Secrets!! Please contact me at katiereus (@) yahoo . com (no spaces) :)
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