My husband actually seduced me with rumba. He took me to the local reservoir, and, as the twilight descended, he taught me the rumba basic--two bodies pressing close in a slow, quick, quick, slow rhythm--and I fell in love. With my husband, too. lol
All of these dances can be sooooo romantic, but they don’t have to be. Ballroom is also just a fun activity that friends and family can enjoy together. The greatest aspect of ballroom is that it is a great way for people of all ages to enjoy movement and music, and I think this is why so many families enjoy watching Dancing with the Stars together.

For example, many times people get the impression that Swing can only be danced to 1940s Big Band tunes, but it’s one of the most flexible dances around and can be danced to much of what’s played on the radio. Think you’re not hip enough to dance to Hip Hop or Rap? Think again. All you need to know is how to do a basic cha-cha-cha, which is the rhythm often used in this genre of music. Disco is the same way. You don’t have to know the hustle to dance disco, even though it is the ballroom dance most often associated with that era. A basic swing or cha step will get you moving, and for the slower tunes, a nice rumba basic will get you by nicely.
I remember my mother teaching me a basic waltz box step when I was just a kid, telling me that it was a social grace I needed to know. Ballroom basics are great for teac

And that’s the key. Dance for me is a metaphor for life. The important thing is to participate. Go with the beat, the rhythm of all living things. You control it. It doesn’t control you. Work from the basics. If you forget what you’re supposed to being doing, go back to a basic until you figure it out. Of course my favorite ballroom saying, and I don’t know who said it first but it bears repeating, is this: “If you’ve got it, flaunt it. If you don’t got it, flaunt it anyway!” lol
Learning to dance has been a precious gift my husband gave me for which I will be eternally grateful, because dancing of all kinds can bring people of all ages together in fellowship to make precious memories and sometimes even promote healing. If you don’t believe me, just watch this video clip. Happy Dancing!
I love to dance and hubby does too. However, I seek out the middle of the floor (where no one can see me) and he'd rather get the attention.
I agree with you - it's tons of fun.
Great post! I enjoy watching Dancing with the Stars and I'd love to learn ballroom dancing. I think it would be a lot of fun.
I love watching So You Think You Can Dance. I'm glued to the TV every week wishing I could dance like they do. I would love to learn how to swing dance. Something about the twirling, crazy lifts and fast pace holds me captivated. I loved a few years back when pop music started to hold a Big Band sound to it. I hate it didn't last very long. The Big Bad Voodoo Daddies, Cherry Popping Daddies, and I adore that Christine Aguilera 'Candyman." I just want to get up and jive when that song comes on. Too bad, I have no idea how to do it. LOL.
Cameo, I've already admitted on this very blog that I was addicted to DWTS this past season, mostly because of Gilles, but I've always loved dancing. My kids watch a show called something like America's Dance Crew and I enjoy those dancers as well. My husband and took salsa lessons when we first met (darn, we need to do that again!).
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