I'm deviating from this week's theme to share my new release with you all!

The 4th story in my Vaughn series released on Tuesday and I'm really excited. Jackson turned out to be one of my favorite heroes. He's so ornery and it's just so sexy!
This is Jackson. He's ex-military and very sure of himself...at least he was until Grace Vaughn showed up in his life. She turns him inside out. (She IS a Vaughn after all, lol) And being the glutton that he is he can't get enough of her smartass attitude. She's his match in every way. I loved watching the sparks fly as I wrote their story!
A hard man is good to find…and impossible to resist.
The Vaughn Series, Book 4
Since a car accident left her unable to have children, Grace Vaughn has hidden her heart behind a wall. So far it’s held strong, and no one complains much—except the few men she dates.
Now that fortress is crumbling thanks to Jackson Hill, an annoyingly attractive man who makes her imagination go wild just watching him in the office. He’s practically bullied her into attending a Vegas conference with him. Three days alone with the delicious Jackson—in Sin City, no less—is sure to push her right over the edge.
With a loving family, a decent bank account, a nice set of clubs, Jackson’s life is almost complete. Except for the missing piece. Grace. She sets a fire in his blood, and the conference is the perfect crowbar to get past her defense mechanisms. It’s time to see if the bump-and-grind potential in that booty of hers can be channeled into something a little more satisfying than looking.
He’s got just the tactic to get her to let down her guard—and hopefully her panties. A wicked bet. Because if there’s one thing he knows about Grace, she can’t resist a double-dog-dare…
Warning: This title contains graphic sex, rope bondage, anal sex, and a deliciously inventive hero who just happens to be really good with knots and doling out spankings.
Read An Excerpt Online
I'm also VERY excited to say that Tempting Grace is at #2 on the Samhain bestseller list. Thanks to ALL who bought a copy!
And because I'm so happy, I figured it might be a good time for a contest. I'm giving away one copy of my upcoming menage "Reckless Exposure". (due out Sept 1st) For a chance to win answer this question:
Do you prefer a menage where the three partners live together, happily ever after? Or, do you prefer when the story ends with the two main characters in love? In othe words, the menage aspect is only part of the story...
The book sounds great!
I don't prefer one over the other in menage stories. If it is well written and the characters get their HEA I am a satisfied reader. There have been some menage books I have read where the three people are involved throughout the whole book and the writer chickens out and casts one of the males aside. That irritates me. But like I said, as long as it is written well, I am not to picky.
Due to how I was raised (a minister's daughter who writes erotic romances, lmao!) I'd have to say that I still lean toward the HEA couple instead of trois. I like the idea of two people devoted to one another. And I have to say that when I write a menage that I usually write the main hero living HEA with the heroine too.
Congrats on your good news and your new release!
Congrats on the new release!
When it comes to menage for me, it really depends on the characters and what the author is trying to say. I don't think you should lump all menage as an automatic threesome or end with just a twosome. You need to take each story separately and listen to the characters. Have a great day.
Erin--Thanks for commenting and I totally agree, that IS annoying!
Faith--Yep, same here. I love writing hot stories, but I like a m/f at the end of it crazy in love with each other. *grin*
Thanks, housemouse! And VERY well said!! :)
For me it depends on the characters in the story. I am a sap and I just want who ever to be totally devoted to each other and in love. Whether that is 2 or 3, I don't care as long as I get the HEA.
Chris R
I can't say I enjoy one over the other either. Will one attract me more than the other, yes. I tend to read stories where the menage will end with all three together. Simply because I like knowing the three will be happy together. But if there's potential for the third to have a story of their own, yes, I would be glad to read a two-couple menage.
Basically as long as there's a well-written HEA and all parties are satisfied, I'm a pleased reader.
This is the problem coming in to a discussion after it is already started people have already said what you want to say and in my case they've usually said it much better. But back to the question I also don't mind if the story ends with 2 or 3 together as long as everyone gets their HEA. Anne I'm sure which ever way your Menage goes it'll be another success. Congrats on the #2 spot at Samhain with your latest Vaughn story. I can't wait to buy the book on payday.
Congrats on the release!
It depends on the story, I like an "all three living happily ever after", but if I can choose I'll have two stories....
Anne, Just depends on each individual story for me. If it's conceivable for the story then it's all good. I want the characters to have a HEA in the end whether it be two, three or more in the relationship.
Chris--Thanks for stopping by!
Stephanie--Are there any authors you'd recommend that writes the trio living HEA? I'd like to read more of those. And thanks for stopping by! :)
Charlotte--Thanks tons! I really hope you enjoy Jackson and Grace's story!! :)
Eva--Thanks for the congrats! It seems that as long as there IS a HEA then most are happy.
Barb--Thanks for answering! And I agree with you! :)
Maya Banks Brazen and Be With Me are great stories that end with everyone living HEA together. Be With Me is actually M/M/M/F, awesome and steamy story!
I also just read Leave Me Breathless by Trista Ann Michael and that was good too.
I also liked Twin Fantasies by Opal Carew.
Hope that helps!
Erin--Thanks for the recs. Are there any that don't have a m/m relationship? I don't read those. NOTHING AT ALL wrong with them, just not my thing. :)
No, the men are all totally in love with the woman. No M/M going on in any of those.
Oooh, okay! Awesome, I'll check them out! Thanks! :)
Anne, it depends on the story and the individual characters. I love when the trio can have their HEA like Maya Banks' COLTERS WOMAN. Maya's written an epilogue to that book, COLTERS WIFE, on her web as a free read. The heroine has her baby delivered by all 3 husbands. They're so happy you could cry.
A friend recommended that book to me before, but I'd forgotten about it. (the memory isn't what it used to be, lol)
Thanks, Armenia, this DOES sound like my kind of read! :)
Congrats on your #2!!! As for your question, as long as the story is written well, I'll take a menage either way. Granted, I love happily ever after stories, but I guess I'd prefer the story to have the two main characters to stay in love with the third as a friend.
Hi Anne! I think it all depends on how it's written. I've read both, and sometimes the third comes in to spice up what the first two share and that's all there is to it. I really just want the HEA, whether that's with two or three (or more)!
I like it either way, as long as the story is well written.
The book sounds great. I feel there should be emotion in the menage. I think I prefer when they all three wind up together.
loves2read--Thanks! I sort of feel the same as you. But I can see I need to read more menages to be sure. (or maybe I just want to rea d more menages, lol)
Hey Lisa! Great to see you here! Three or more, huh? LOL I have a release next year with Kensington Aphrodisia that has 3 men pleasuring one woman. It's the most erotic thing I've written and I'm REALLY afraid. But, there is a HEA, so... :) Thanks for stopping by!
Estella-- :) I hear ya! Thanks for commenting!
Debby--Thank you for the compliment. After reading all these comments I think I'm going to pick up Banks' Coulter's Woman...it sounds like a good one!
I prefer when there are two characters that fall in love in the end. It feels more complete to me. Also, the connection can seem deeper between the two people, because their devotion isn't split, sharing it with a third relation.
Looking forward for the new one on sep.for it me it depend on the book & the charactiers. how good it's written, the chemistry as well as the way the are communicatung not just for sex.
Thanks for commenting, Kayla! :)
Sara--Yes, a blossoming relationship does it for me every time!
Mari Carr, Madison Hayes, Lacey Thorne,Lauren Dane, N.J. Walters, Anya Bast are just a few off the top of my head with both m/m/f and m/f/m just have to read the blurbs for your preference.
I prefer two main characters that fall in love.
I usually like it when there is a couple at the end but I have read a few books where they all stayed together and it fit the story properly. I think that's the key, making sure it fits the story.
As long as there is a HEA it doesn't really matter to me if it's two or three at the end of a book. Just have to have my HEA! :)
Congrats on your upcoming release!
I love to see all three characters end up together in some way. I just hate for somebody to be left out. It's not like these situations are likely to happen in real life anyway. We should be so lucky, lol.
Anne, congrats on the release of another great book!
As far as the menage story. It depends on how it is written. I mostly like 2 people being together, sometimes it seems like if there is 3 people, 1 of them is being left out at times. If all 3 can be happy, I'm happy. If not, I prefer the ending with 2 together and the 3rd on their way to finding their own happiness.
Hi, Anne! Congrats on your Vaughn series and this new one!
As for menages, I think it depends a bit on the characters and how the author has presented them and their circumstances and relationships. In some stories, an HEA for all three is the way to go, while in others, one with two going off into the sunset is the right ending/beginning (in which case I want a sequel to see how the other party ends up with an HEA of his/her own!)
Anyway, I guess that's my two cents!
Anne, Congrats on the new release. I like a menage where the three partners live hea and all are in love.
Hi Anne~
This sounds great!
I like a menage where the two main characters fall in love and live happily ever after.
Congrats on the release of Tempting Grace.
I wanted to thank you ALL for stopping by and commenting! It was fun to read all the opinions!
The winner of an ARC of "Reckless Exposure" is flchen1
email me at anne @ annerainey. com (no spaces) to collect your prize! :)
I can't say until I read the story, but I usually perfer the menage find their own happiness and defy convention to live the life that suits them! If just one M/F find a HEA the outsider usely goes away with a feeling of lose, or unfullfiled.
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