This will be a short one. Not feeling on the uppity up today. Some kind of crud going around these parts. Can someone tell me what the heck is going on with the summer? I could always count on these few months to be sick free, but this year it hasn’t been. Stomach virus, sinus infections, fever. I feel like I’m in the dead of winter right now. It truly sucks.
But anyway, back to the theme of the week. Family Fun.

I went to my nephew’s birthday party a few weeks. I love kid birthday parties. Seriously. I do. I love watching them have a great time, the smiles, the laughter, the screaming and, most of all, the wear out and early bedtime. LOL. Anyway, this birthday party had a really fun surprise for me. If you’re a parent, you know what kid parties are normally like. The kids run wild, while the parent sit back and take pictures. That sooooo wasn’t the case with this party.
There is this place here in North Carolina called Monkey Joes. It has these huge blowup slides and obstacles to climb on.
The surprise for me?

If you have a kid, you have an excuse to go on them too. LOL. Boy, did I get in touch with my inner child that day and had a great time doing it. I slid, climbed, whooshed, and squealed with the rest of the kiddies. By the end of the party, I was just as exhausted as my twins, who loved watching mommy fall on her face, my hair in my eyes, and tears on my cheeks from laughter. Don’t get me wrong, I play with my kids, but there was something especially fun and childlike that day. I loved every minute of it. And I wasn’t the only parent embracing their inner child. I even saw some adults sliding without a kid in tow. Really, I couldn't blame them. There is something about those huge air filled slides that just scream for you to get on them once you walk in the door. Very hard to resist. I honestly think t

hey need to come up with one just for adults. I'd go in a heartbeat.
If you have little ones and are looking for a great place to take them, try Monkey Joes. I’m telling you, you won’t regret it!
Is there a place where you felt connected to your inner child? A place that beckoned you to throw caution or better yet, you're mommy mask, to the wind and say to heck with it, I'm playing?

*note* I threw the picture of my daughter in just because I felt like I had to. Couldn't have two pictures of the son without at least one of her. LOL.
Great post!! That sounds like a blast! There are certain things I do where I feel like a kid, things like riding a bicycle, swimming, etc. I'm a kid at heart and love to play. :)
I ain't got no little nuggets, so EVERYDAY is like a carnival to me!! LOL - kidding...
Swimming and splashing around in a pool really bring out the kid in me!
and also - your kids are uber-cute!
Sounds like a great time!! Hope you feel better soon, Esme.
Esme, there was a placed called Kid Concepts where most of the kids in my boys' pre-school had their parties - big obstacle course/maze with several slides. We all knew about the "black slide," the scariest one in the house. I went down that slide several times - screaming all the way!
Nicole-swimming is another one for me too. I love flipping the kids in the pool, or walking past them and pushing them in. I did that to my daughter yesterday, she came up smiling and yelled "Momma!!"
December-Thanks! I think thier uber cute too, lol.
Natasha-I am feeling better today. Knock on wood it stays that way:)
Carol- I want one of those places here!! Its sounds like a blast!
Nicole-swimming is another one for me too. I love flipping the kids in the pool, or walking past them and pushing them in. I did that to my daughter yesterday, she came up smiling and yelled "Momma!!"
December-Thanks! I think thier uber cute too, lol.
Natasha-I am feeling better today. Knock on wood it stays that way:)
Carol- I want one of those places here!! Its sounds like a blast!
Esme, I hope you are feeling better!!! I'm so behind on posts what with writing and working full time, no time. I loved going to theme parks with my kids even now that they're grown up. It's almost more fun. We went to the Renn Faire in May and had a blast. :)
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