For all the heroes there are also sexy diversions in disguise…
Flirty guys who dance into our lives for a few moments or a season. A fling with them may prove fun, but it seldom makes for monogamy or a happily-ever-after.

Bad boys are born to wreak havoc with a woman’s heart, and they delight on living life in the fast line. Balancing on the blade of the proverbial knife suits their lifestyle, and they don’t mind skipping out if something they temporarily find more interesting crosses their Harley’s path.

What do I find most appealing about a man I’d consider a perfect significant other?
Rugged hero. He’s the guy who doesn’t let anything stand in the way of his love or life with his heroine. Sure he has his separate pursuits, and she has hers, but together the make a team capable of withstanding life’s turmoil.

Helpful guy around the house. He knows dividing household tasks doesn’t take away from his masculinity. He’s secure in his love and knows you’ll show your appreciation for his kindness a thousand-fold. The couple that keeps house together has a better chance of staying together, IMO.

True romantic. He scatters rose petals over the sheets and sips from the same spot on the champagne glass where your lips touched. Despite a hectic work schedule, he always finds time for date nights and cuddling with you on the living room couch.

Outdoorsman. He knows how to build a campfire and start a fire in your heart. You’ll never be lost when this godsend with a built-in compass takes your hand along the pathways of devotion.

Guy who’ll go to great depths for your welfare and to satisfy your passions and wildest desires.

Thoughtful guy. He always remembers what you like and delights in surprising you on a day when everything in your world has been turned upside down. He’s all about face value, too. No sneaking around or hidden agendas.

Protector. This man will go to the mat to win your love and keep you safe from harm. He won’t run at the first sign of danger or demand his way is the only way.

These are some of the many traits I find appealing and necessary in any man I’d consider for a real-life hero. Tall, dark and sexy…? Those are great, but I’d trade them in a heartbeat for a shorter, fairer and average-looking guy if he possessed the heroic traits I’ve mentioned. Looks fade. A meant-to-be relationship filled with love, caring, open conversation, and commitment lasts. While I truly enjoy writing those Alphas and bad boys as heroes, I prefer commitment over devil-may-care. This Cinderella is definitely being careful where she drops her slipper ;)
Would love hearing your thoughts on this topic, readers. Hope you all are having a fantastic holiday weekend!
Wishing you all many happy reading moments,
Shawna Moore
TO HELLE AND BACK AGAIN -- Ellora's Cave Exotika
TORMENTED -- Ellora's Cave (Recommended Read)
ROUGHRIDER -- Ellora's Cave Exotika
HELLE IN HEELS -- Ellora's Cave Exotika
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Helle's Myspace
Nice pics, Shawna! Yes, I'd definitely pick a guy who is totally devoted to me and not afraid of commitment. :)
Hi, Nicole!
Cute and sexy are nice, but I agree with you--Commitment wins out and wins my heart :)
Happy holiday weekend wishes,
Ooh, great post. You hit on some great qualities for a real life hero.'d love to help that hunk lick the chocolate off his fingers :-)
Hi, Natasha!
Yeah, that sexy guy has too much chocolate to enjoy by himself :) He needs some help :) Chocolate never tasted so good LOL
Happy holiday weekend wishes,
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