While I love summer, the warm weather and the long hours of daylight, I have to admit that autumn is my favorite season. Where I live in western New York, we have definite seasons. Unfortunately, winter tends to take up more than its share of days around here...but that's a subject for another post. I enjoy the cool autumn nights that make sleeping easier, yet the days can still be warm enough for camping (and cool enough for campfires) and bike rides and long walks in the crisp colorful leaves.
Another reason autumn has always brought a thrill to me is because school starts again. Yeah, call me a nerd, but I loved going back to school in the fall. Loved stocking up on all those school supplies (the writer in me coming out even then) and hitting the books again. I haven't gone to school in a long time now, but I still love to see all those back-to-school ads. Paper, pens, pencils, notebooks...my fingers itch just thinking about it.

Autumn paints the landscape in beautiful colors. My husband and I took a train ride with friends in the Adirondacks last October. What fun that was and what beautiful scenery. If you're ever in the area, check out the Adirondack Scenic Railway.

Fall festivals! Another thing I love about autumn. Do you have those where you live? All I know is that lots of small towns around the area have their own spin on the fall festival. Falling Leaves Festival. Pumpkin Festival. Apple Festival. Wine Festival. Ooh, wine festival!! This one is my favorite. If any of you live around northwestern Pennsylvania, you've probably heard of the North East Wine Festival. It's being held this coming weekend. You just might see me there picking up a couple new wine glasses and checking out the craft booths, the food vendors, and of course, tasting the wine!
So do you have fall festivals?
Fall is my favorite season too, Natasha! I even chose to get married in the Fall. Love the Texas State Fair, the cool crisp mornings, the smell of woodsmoke in the evenings, and mostly, the much-needed break from 100+ degree temperatures!
Enjoy the season!
Hi, Natasha!
I miss camping trips. Love of the outdoors has me eager to catch the local festivals this fall and also participate in a few guided tours. Enjoy all of your times with nature :)
Happy week wishes,
Juliet, we never have to worry about 100+ temps :) 85 is a big deal for us. Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Shawna, hope you enjoy your local fall festivals.
What I find weird, having moved from the Southern to the Northern hemisphere, is having the opposite seasons I'm used to for the time of year.
In Ireland the last few years we've had the best weather of the whole year in August/September. And yes, I do think Autumn has the best palette of them all, painting the world in shades of gold.
Anida, thanks for stopping by! I always thought that it would strange to switch seasons like that. Enjoy your autumn!
Oh I love fall. Eveything about it from the leaves to the crisp breeze to the apples, apple cider, apple pie, and even apple curry.
Ack, my first comment disappeared. Great post, Natasha! In fall I love a fire in the firepit and roasting marshmellows. Also I love to take pics of colorful leaves. A train ride would be wonderful in fall.
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