Seagulls crying as they soar and swoop. Sand shifting beneath my tropical-print towel. Waves reaching the shoreline and leaving foamy kisses in their wake. Planes trailing banners advertising evening dinner specials and fun family adventures. Beside me there’s a pink patent leather tote filled with sunscreen, a few novels, a cotton tee shirt for cover up after a half hour—even though an umbrella hovers over me—lip gloss, a comb, a container for the shells we’d find, and bottled water. Soon I’d kick off my flip flops and head to the water for some body surfing.
Summers spent at the beach are among my fondest memories. From the days when Mom and Dad wheeled me along in my stroller, I’ve been a huge fan of time spent seaside. How we enjoyed traveling the boardwalk from one end to the other, whether on foot on or the jitney. As soon as we’d enter one of the shops, the plastic tang of decals being pressed into tee shirts greeted us. A sudden breeze would flirt with wind chimes fashioned from shells and dangling from the display rack or ceiling hook. The aroma of funnel cakes and French fries prepared in peanut oil wafted through the air as we made our way toward the inlet. No matter what the weather, laughs were always plentiful as we ate the vanilla or chocolate custard, swirled high in our waffle cones, before it melted and dripped onto our fingers and feet. Many times a sunny hot day won this battle, but we never cared because napkins were always plentiful.
What’s a visit to the shore without indulging in catches of the day? The tap of mallets as they split the claws of seasoned crabs. Steamed shrimp oozing a delicious broth filled with pepper and other spices. Cups of creamy chowder guaranteed to please the pickiest palates. Glass bowls heaped with crisp salad greens and decorated with golden croutons. Endless baskets of bread for dipping and sharing. Tall glasses of iced tea and lemon water to quench every beachcomber’s thirst.

After dining we’d emerge into the dusk and head for the amusements. Bulbs glowed on the skeletons of massive Ferris wheels. Roller coasters whooshed and clattered along their steel tracks and carried screaming riders on ultimate joyrides. Plastic ducks bobbed in shallow and narrow manmade ponds and wore prize numbers on their bottoms. Wheels of fortune spun. Carnival workers guessed the weights of passersby. Shooting galleries and tilted hoops taunted visitors to try their hands and win super-sized stuffed animals.
My favorite way to make a lasting beach memory was riding the carousel. Someone held my container of buttery sweet caramel popcorn meant for sharing. A white stallion rose and settled to the tunes from days past as they piped (I always chose a white horse). We’d tote our winnings, saltwater taffy, and fudge back to the hotel. Amazing how much colder the lobby and room air felt as it hit my sunburned nose or the part in my hair.

But a day at the beach is not done before I’ve said goodnight to the waves. Walks along the shore are the most romantic. Water tickling my bare toes as a special guy whispered in my ear and wrapped his arm around my waist. And what a treasured passionate moment as he scooped me up, spun me around and splashed ankle-deep in the surf. Dinner cruisers passed in the distance but we hardly noticed them. The sun had set on another day but not so with true love. Love and spirits are always on the rise when one is oceanside.
Wishing you all many happy reading moments,
Shawna Moore
TORMENTED – Ellora’s Cave (Recommended Read-Alternative Read, Dark Angel Reviews)
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Shawna, thanks for sharing your beach memories! When I was growing up, our beach was Santa Cruz, about 45 minutes away over the Santa Cruz Mountains. Cars were alwyas over heating on summer days! Santa Cruz had a boardwalk, and my first roller coaster was the Big Dipper, a wooden roller coaster on the boardwalk. Today I live about a mile from the beach - we can walk, we go there almost every weekend in the summer, there's no boardwalk or even a snack bar at our particular beach. The kids just load up their boogie boards or surf boards and off we go. They spend almost the entire time in the water, while I sit watching them with a hat shielding my face and a few Diet Cokes in the cooler. We always run into friends there too.
Hi, Carol!
How I'd love living that close to a beach :) I'd spend a lot of my spare time there :) A perfect place for relaxing, swimming and plotting stories (but I'd become distracted from my plotting if a handsome guy walked by :)
The roller coaster you described in Santa Cruz sounds similar to one of the first coasters I rode. Quite the experience. Amusements at the beach are always the best IMO!
Hope your week is filled with special moments and sunshine :)
Wonderful post, Shawna!! I love those beach memories too!
Hi, Nicole!
Glad you enjoyed the post :) Bringing back those memories had me tempted to head off to the beach for a day or two :)
Happy week wishes,
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