Happy Mother's Day

I’m in Los Angeles this week on a quasi working-vacation, so this blog is quick, but it's one from the heart. A paean to moms. After all, none of us would be here without them!


I’m blessed that my mom is my best friend. And I’m lucky that she lives only four miles away from me, so I see her every week and speak to her on the phone usually every day.


Moms are heroes. When I was seven years old, a bee flew up my shorts and started stinging me in, um,  delicate places. Mom dragged me into the house, and locked us both in a bathroom until she shooed that bee out of my clothes and beat it to death with a broom, despite her insane fear of insects.


Moms are the backbone of the family. My mom is our family grapevine – I wouldn’t know half the things going on with my brothers and sister without my mother calling each of her kids every Sunday to get an update on their lives. She’s the glue that keeps everybody together.


Moms are role models. I learned about values, morals, behavior, and how to treat others by watching her example.


Moms know everything. How the heck do you treat back pain -- is it heat or ice? And exactly how long do you cook lasagna in the oven for, anyway?? Moms always have the answer to any question.


Mom will always be your mom. No matter how old you get, your mom has the ability to bring out the kid in you. And sometimes just letting her bake your favorite chocolate chip cookies creates a sense that everything’s all right with the world.


And speaking of the world, here’s a special shout out to Baltimore’s Toya Graham, who cared enough about her own son that she braved the Baltimore riots to pull him out of a dangerous and volatile situation. She's 2015's Mom of the Year.


Moms always think of their kids first. And that’s why we publically celebrate them this weekend (as we should privately do every day of the year).


What about you? Any special "mom moment" you'd like to share?



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