Welcome to the World, Little Guy!

I'm thrilled to share the news that my grandson was born this past Friday afternoon. He was 7 pounds, 15 ounces and measured 20 inches, those important statistics for those of you who like to know those things.

I'm sure he'll be told at some point that he was a Black Friday baby. But all that meant to us was that my daughter got to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with family before going to the hospital.

My daughter and her husband struggled with fertility problems for several years, so to finally have this perfect little boy is even more of a blessing. Little guy's parents didn't agree on a name until he was born, Daddy finally giving in to Mommy's favorite. So, I hope you'll let me indulge in a little grandma bragging and show off some photos of my new grandson, Colin.

Only a few hours old, in his mommy's arms.

Grandma holding him for the first time.

He loves his grandma already, can't you tell?

Getting ready to go home.

Loving his swing.

And yes, Daddy says Colin is a Steelers fan.

Thanks for indulging a new grandma. I promise no more pictures, at least for a little while.

Silken Canvas - coming Dec 25th


Miranda Baker said...

Wow! He's really alert in that swing picture. What a cutie!

Alison B said...

Adorable! Congrats!!

Abby Niles said...

Be still my heart :) He's so precious! I'm so happy for your daughter and son-in-law! And for you! Congrats, grandma :):)

Vonda Sinclair said...

Oh, how sweet and adorable he is, Natasha!! Congratulations!! :)

Maria said...

Simply precious! How wonderful that your daughter got to spend Thanksgiving with the family and then had the baby:) He looks like such a sweet thing - especially in grandma's arms. Gotta love Dad putting him in Pittsburg Steelers gear already:) Congratulations!

Carol Ericson said...

Nothing more precious than a newborn. Congrats, Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Well, how awesome is that!!! He's precious and obviously adores his grandma! I know this cuz I became a Grandmama 2 1/2 years ago. :O) Love your books!

Cindy Spencer Pape said...

Congrats to grandma (and mom and dad, of course!)

Fedora said...

Wow!! What a joyful time for you all this weekend! He is completely adorable!! And DS1 share the same name as your new grandson, so I, of course, think it's a very fine choice indeed ;)

Go Steelers! ;)

Alice Gaines said...

Major congrats! What a cutie.

_ said...

So gorgeous,Grandma. Congratulations! I remember the thrill of the first one like it was yesterday. A mixture of relief for my daughter and exhileration to hold my grandson. I can still get thrilled looking at him now 18 years later.
Emma Lane

Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

He's adorable. Congrats to all!

Leigh Court said...

Ooooh, he's adorable! Congratulations, Natasha!! Looks like you got an early Christmas present :)

I have no doubt Colin will grow up knowing exactly how much he's loved.


Dalton Diaz said...

Awww, what a cutie! Huge congrats to the new G-ma and family.

Maree Anderson said...

Awww... what a precious wee cutie! Congratulations to mum and dad and doting grandparents :) And post away with the photos, Natasha. We don't mind in the least!

Natasha Moore said...

Thanks so much everyone for joining in our joy.

June M. said...

Congrats! He is a handsome little man! And since mommy did all the hard work, she should get final say on the name, lol.

Carly Carson said...

Congrats to everyone! It also struck me how alert he looks for a newborn and yes, he loves his grandma. That's a little smile right there on his face. I remember hearing about the fertility problems. Modern medicine has given us so many blessings and this is a perfect example. Enjoy!