Do you browse the bookstore shelves or the online recommendations? Do you stick with authors you know? Publishers you know? Are you drawn to a sexy cover? An intriguing blurb? Do you depend on reviews?
Or do you rely on word of mouth?
Authors are readers first. I'm always looking for good books to read. I consider recommendations the best way to discover new books to enjoy. That doesn't always mean face to face conversations because most of my friends and co-workers don't read what I like, although I have tried some new authors/genres and discovered some favorites that way.
I've discovered some great new, or new-to-me, authors from Twitter. But not from author promo. From readers mentioning a great book they just read. I love reading several tweets about the same book from excited readers. I always check them out.
It's also a reminder for me, for all of us, to let others know when we've read a book we love. Not just because you want to talk about the story with someone else (although that may often be the reason with my face to face friends) But it can be simply because you want others to get the same enjoyment you did. And because you want to support your favorite authors and let them know you loved what they wrote. And because of that, they'll write even more stories for you to love.
And it's all from word of mouth.

"Natasha Moore has written a book that should be on everyone's list to read and discuss with their partner, married or not. Its thought provoking, sexy and is written with a intimate knowledge of when a marriage is on the edge of unraveling." You can read the rest of the review here.
How do you find books to read? And do you have any recommendations for me??
FLAUNT IT - Paolo's Playhouse #1
RISK IT - Paolo's Playhouse #2
Wow, just wow. Thank you Natasha for mentioning my review. That means alot to me. I do highly recommend not just Risk It but Flaunt It, too. Excellent books about couples and some of the real life troubles that they have.
Excellent series and February is a long time to wait for Birthday Girl.
Have I mentioned how I love this blog? :)
Love the cover of this book. This is a new author for me and always looking for new reads.
I find recommendations from other authors blogs, authors facebook pages, other facebook friends, and bookstore websites. I love recommendations because I love to read and run out of books after awhile. I read about 4 to 6 books a week depending on how big they are. I depend on recommendations from others. I have certain authors that I love and will buy those books no matter what. They only but out maybe 1 or 2 books a year. In between those times I look for other authors. Thanks for the great book and author recommendations from your site and will keep following along to get some more.
Thanks, Marika. Your review is what got me thinking about writing this blog post. Thank you for recommending me to other readers.
Hi Christine. Thanks for stopping by! I wish I had the time to read 4-6 books a week. Maybe if I stopped writing...Nah!
I rely on recommendations from friends. Also, I check out books from the library. If I like an author, then I'll buy (yes I'm cautious). Occasionally, I'll ask for ideas at the bookstore, but I don't find that route very fruitful.
I generally find recommendations either by looking at blogs, reading reviews, and sometimes on Amazon's site (based on thing I have bought).
Hi Carly. I don't seem to get to the library very often any more.
Hey June! Thanks for stopping by :)I've tried quite a few of Amazon's recommendations based on my purchases.
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