Our very own Shawna Moore has a hot new book release this week from Ellora's Cave,
Tormented. Woohoo!!!
Since childhood, Shawna Moore has enjoyed creating fantasy worlds and fictional characters. She has completed over 40 manuscripts and has had multiple novels, short stories and novellas published. At present she delights in writing erotica and erotic romance for Ellora's Cave. When she's not writing, editing and researching, Shawna enjoys reading, spending time with friends and family, listening to the music of the Beatles, shopping for shoes and visiting the interesting destinations on her must-see list.
Nicole North: Congratulations on your new release, Shawna! What a wonderful and dramatic cover! Please tell us about
Tormented.Shawna Moore: Eve Morneau is a Boston socialite plagued by different demons--those within her and those without. She appears a chaste and genial woman, but she is far more complex. A woman with many unfulfilled desires--foremost among them finding love with a proper gentleman. For some time she's gained great satisfaction from teaching others--her pupils in Boston and those she's encountered during travels with her father. And Eve always puts the needs of others before her own. Charles Galletiére is an interesting combination of recluse and wanderer. He's a genius who shuns society and the medical approaches of his peers. All the same he's assumed the role of caretaker many times in his life. Despite the seeming impossibility of Eve's medical case, he vows to go to the greatest lengths to save the woman he loves from death and from her past.
Nicole: Sounds wonderful! What sparked this story idea?
Shawna: While walking in New Orleans' Garden District near dusk several years ago, the mansions, towering oaks and crape myrtles inspired me. One particular Greek Revival mansion sparked the story idea of a proper woman falling for a mysterious man. A man who had the ability to heal her wound, save her life and bring her the kind of love her heart desired. When traveling I carry a tote bag and always tuck a writing tablet, a couple pens and a tape recorder inside. There are so many architectural details and so much culture to absorb in New Orleans, and I don't want to miss anything. For five days I explored most of The Garden District, The French Quarter and various cemeteries in order to capture the details I'd include in TORMENTED.
Nicole: What fascinating research! Your description of it put me right there. What is your writing process?
Shawna: Most of the time, I start with a premise. And sometimes a story's theme is apparent, sometimes not. Fish Out of Water, Second Chance at Love, Cinderella tales, You Can Go Home Again, and Redemption are among those I've explored. While I'm plotting the major turning points, first meeting, crisis, black moment and HEA, I begin mulling/creating a hero, heroine, villain(s) and secondary characters. What type of heroine would be the best challenge and love interest for the hero I've decided upon and vice versa. My process morphs a bit with each manuscript written, but I prefer having a rough plot in place before writing a book's first sentence. As well, I delight in "living" with my characters a bit before bringing their tale to the fictional page. Unraveling their moral threads. Tapping into their souls and keenest fears. Studying the facets of their personalities. Figuring out what means the most to them and what they'll do to achieve their goals. When I'm at the writing desk, I don't allow for interruptions, except for family emergencies. Once the first draft of a story is completed, I set the project aside for a while before editing. Most of my work goes through three drafts, sometimes more, before submission to publishers. I've a file drawer in which I keep notes for future fiction works. One of the most blessed things about being a writer is visiting the treasure trove contained in that drawer. There is always something there to ponder once the current project(s) is/are completed. If one idea doesn't launch a creative fictional journey another one will.
Nicole: I think I need a drawer like that. What do you wish you'd known before becoming published?
Shawna: That a writer usually cannot keep pace with the ideas springing to mind. At one point I thought it wouldn't be any challenge writing stories as new ideas emerged. It didn't take long to learn that even my typing speed cannot keep pace with the creative thoughts tumbling about in my brain.
Something else I've learned is any writer who wants a solid chance at becoming published must learn how to defeat the self-doubt demon. Without fail, he pokes his wicked way past the best defenses, but we must always devise new methods for keeping him in his place--which is deep down in the dark kingdom where he belongs. Perseverance and passion are two of the keys we must hold near and dear and never surrender.
Nicole: I couldn't agree more. You have wonderful insight. What do you love best about historicals or historical settings?
Shawna: Historical romances have always been my favorite--for reading and for writing. Journeying to those bygone eras brings such a profound joy. Bringing those worlds of yesteryear alive for today's reader is the ultimate writing pleasure for me. Being able to tap into the mindsets and moral codes of my historical characters is immense fun. Living the story events vicariously, especially when the settings are historical, keeps me yearning to write as many romance tales as possible.
Nicole: I love those historical settings too. Would you like to ask blog readers a question?
Those who comment will have their names in a drawing for chance to win a seasonal surprise from Shawna!
Shawna: If you could read any romance story set in any fictional world, what would you choose and why?
Nicole: Excellent question. Thanks for the great interview, Shawna, and for offering our readers a surprise!!
Everyone please visit Shawna's website