As promised here are the pictures from The Warrior Dash that I participated in on Sunday. Guys, I seriously had some of the best fun I've had in a long time doing this. It was challenging, it was exhausting, but so well worth it. It took me an hour and twenty-six minutes to complete the course. Not the best time by any means, since there were some hardcore people who finished this thing in twenty-four minutes, lol. I still can't figure out how, but they did it.
I wished I had pictures to share from inside the actual course, but I don't. Once we got away from the crowd, it was just me and the obstacles. The first mile was all running then I hit the first obstacle. A balance beam. The first few were pretty easy, except for the single rope bridge I had to cross. That was a bit scary because it was higher in the air than I really care to be, but I made it across. Things really started to get hectic about a mile and half in when I came to the slug pit. It's really the only way I can describe it. Slug. Unfortunately, I'm short and it came to my shoulders. After that, I was wet and covered in goo the rest of the run. And the ground was saturated after that. Just a muddy, slippery mess. And it made the obstacles so much harder to complete because everything is caked in mud. Even as I'm describing this I'm smiling. Yeah, it was filthy, but the experience was so well worth it. I think everyone should try it once. As for me, this a new yearly tradition and I can't wait to do it again.
So the pictures.
This is me and my kids before the race:) |
This is a very, very important button. Not only does it track my time, but gives me my free beer after I cross the finish line :) |
Me getting pumped and ready for the race with my girls. The one in the pink is my sister and she did the race with me. |
Viking Horns--the announcer is getting us pumped for the countdown. My friend took this picture and I love the sign hanging in front of us. Perfect! | |
And now you get to see the aftermath as we come back into view after being gone for an hour and a half.
That's me jumping over the fire right before we enter the mud pit. As you can see my white shirt is already no longer white, lol. |
Me on the far left, and yes, I'm smiling. |
Me and the sis getting ready to cross the finish line together. I'm also trying not to fall here. Man, it was slippery. |
Proud as hell of myself. I earned that medal. |
Me, my sis and my daughter's evil eyes. She's mad because she got mud on her from getting to close to me. LOL. |
And I had to share this one because my daughter, who is very tall for her age, looks like a two year old next to the oversized helmet. |
And finally us (including my son) posing in front of the mud covered sign. And yes, I did enjoy my free beer after this, LOL. |
I'm sporting some nasty bruises and a few scrapes, but all in all I came through it all in one piece and I'm happy to report, that my back held up. Yes, I took my time, I was careful, and didn't let the competition go to my head. I stayed in the mind frame that I was there to have a unique experience and have stories to tell. And boy, do I have stories to tell :)
Thanks for letting me share.
Congratulations, Esme!!!! You have every right to be proud of your accomplishment! You are a great inspiration!
That looked like fun, Vonda! I envy you the experience. What a memory for your family. Loved those pictures, the mud and the smiles.
Woot! Awesome, Esme! What a great experience! And you DID it! :)
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