Do you Feng Shui?

Sorry for my long absence (again). I've been doing a second revision for an agent. (Yey!! Keep your fingers crossed.) :-) And I've been taking an online Feng Shui class. The friendly, encouraging instructor is Bella Andre. I highly recommend this workshop if you are blocked, not achieving what you want or reaching your goals and dreams. Does it work? I don't know yet from personal experience but a lot of people say it does. I definitely feel better and more enthusiastic since I started making changes in my workspace. It is a highly motivating, inspiring class. I needed the kick in the pants because I collect and save tooooo much stuff. The first step in Feng Shui is clearing away your clutter. Clutter is almost anything that you don't use or love. My office has a lot of storage space--book shelves, drawers, a closet with shelves and unfortunately I was using every inch of it. Since beginning the class, I have cleared out several drawers where I had old contest/editor submissions, old manuscripts, old magazines, etc. We had a nice bonfire. :-) I've taken a truck load of stuff to a charity thrift store. And I'm still not finished. I will be hauling away more books and clearing away more stuff from the closet. After the clutter is gone, you're ready for the next step in Feng Shui, looking at the Bagua Map. If you can't find a workshop going on now, you can research it online. I found these sites with articles.


Cristina Van Dyck said...

Getting rid of stuff is really theraputic. Keep up all the good (hard) work and let us know how it works for you!

Vonda Sinclair said...

Thanks, Cristina. Yes, I believe you're right. I feel the therapy working. It feels so freeing to let go of all the stuff.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog. There are lots of Feng Shui classes which making sense in practical world. It teach how to recognize, work with and balance Yin and Yang qualities as well as the expressions of wood, water and earth to transform any environment and how to talk about inner Feng Shui with clarity and purpose.