I'm Thankful For...

I try to remember to be thankful all year round, but sometimes when we're just barreling through life, it's easy to just get caught up in the day to day and forget to consciously think of all the things we're thankful for. Even when things might not be going so good, we can always be grateful for the little things. But Thanksgiving week is always a reminder to send out your thanks to God or the Universe or whoever/wherever your thanks goes. So here's my short list of thanks.

First and foremost is my family. My loving, supportive hubby. My great kids and their great kids. (And since we just had Halloween - I have to share pics of the two little guys!)

3 years old already!

6 months old already!

I'm thankful for my friends. We might go out to eat a little too often, but you can't beat the laughter ringing around our table!

I'm thankful for being able to leave my stressful job and enjoy my second career as a writer. There might be a little stress there too - like when the story just won't cooperate, or when sales aren't always what I hope - but I can sit at the keyboard in my yoga pants and drool over pics of hunks and call it research.

I'm thankful that we are able to winter in FL and avoid the cold and snow for a few months. For our cozy winter home and the beautiful view around us.

And for my readers. I'm so thankful to you! You are the reason I do what I do!

What are you thankful for?


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