I wrote most of my last novella, Alien Revealed, sitting in my sister’s camper or visiting the beach. But I wrote Dark Harmony my first full length novel here, in a corner of the loud, busy Starbucks ten minutes from my home. I’m not sure

When I write at home I sit in a cozy armchair (for some reason I don’t often m

Writers have to be flexible, IMO. It isn’t like people imagine – that we can only write when the muse strikes us. That we babble our words out until we lay there spent, drained. Well okay, that can happen, but most of the time authors work, day in, day out, a little each day, writing, revising, editing. And we do it everywhere, anywhere. As long as we are comfortable, who cares where we sit? Or if we use a laptop, desktop, pen and pad of paper or a voice recorder.

Where do you write? Find your focus? Drop in with a comment and you could win an electronic copy of my novel Dark Harmony from Red Sage Publishing, or my novella, Alien Revealed from Carina Press. Both had recent releases – Alien Revealed was a part of Carina Press’s launch last week and Dark Harmony came out in paper June 1!
Lilly Cain
“Stories of Darkly Seductive Fantasy and Sensual Romance”
To read more about Lilly check out her website at http://www.lillycain.com/.
To purchase a copy of her book Alien Revealed or find out about other fantastic authors, check out http://www.carinapress.com/. And to buy a copy of Dark Harmony, in print or ebook, visit http://www.eredsage.com/.
Lilly Cain is a wild woman with a deep throaty laugh, plunging necklines and a great lo

Lilly lives in Atlantic Canada, although she spent eight years in Bermuda, enjoying the heat and the pink sands. She returned to her homeland so she could see the changing of the seasons once again. When not writing she paints, swills coffee and vodka (but not together), and fights her writing pals for chocolate.
When not living up to her pen name, Lilly is a single mom who loves reading and writing, dabbling in art and loving and caring for her two daughters. She loves romance and the freedom erotic fantasy provides her imagination. She loves the chilling moments in her novels as much as the steaming hot interludes. Her stories are an escape and a release, and she hopes that they can give you that power, too.
Hi Lilly,
I like to write at Starbucks as well. As a mother of teenagers my house can get a little loud and distracting.
Congratulations on all your success.
Welcome, Lilly! Thanks so much for being our guest today!
Hi Anne - I know what you mean, the distractions at home somehow outweight the distractions at Starbucks! :)
Hi Nicole! Glad to be here, thanks for inviting me!
I don't understand the writing at Starbucks thing. People you know will come in!! They will want to say hello. Many people do it so I want to know how they deal with this, to me, major distraction. I suppose one could go to another town. But then it's a commute. Oh well, I write in my bedroom, but we're working on getting me an office. That will be lovely! I like peace and quiet. Not that I get it, but that's another story. lol
Hi Carly!
Thanks for stopping by. I don't know - people seem to respect that I am working. They may stop for a minute and say hello, but no one stops to talk for longer than that. It's never been an issue.
I'd love an office, but since I don't seem to use my desk I am not sure it would help! Maybe just a room with big chairs, book cases, and a desk - just in case.
Hi Lilly, I'm such a cave-dweller when I'm writing. I admire people who can write in nearly every environment! Love the photo of your cat. I have a green-eyed beauty who is so black, the photos just come out scary. Well, it's back to my cave but I did want to pop out to say congratulations on your success!
Hi Rebecca, thanks for climbing out of your cave and dropping in! And thanks for your comments. My cat may look pretty but I think she may actually be evil...
I once wrote in the stairwell of the performing arts theatre where I worked, while I was guarding the pass door to the backstage area - and I have to say, that has been the most inspiring place I've ever written. Maybe it was the creative vibe during the performance emanating its way to me.
Now I write at my desk which is in the living room, but I put my headphones on and use music to block out the TV, my husband and dog. So we can hang out together, but not.
Hi Julia!
This proves a point - we can write anywhere, so long as the focus is there. I must think about headphones though!
Thanks for dropping in,
A few years ago I wrote in the car all the way from NJ to Arlington Cemetery in VA about a 4 ½-hour trip. I knew I had to work and would be a basket case when I got there and met family and friends. I had planned to write on the way back but we drove home in the worst rainstorm I’ve ever seen so I had to help Hubby watch the road. Didn’t get a word written.
My very favorite place to write is at a boat dock on the Arthur Kill (separates NJ from Staten Island, NY). Hubby and I get a table, bring lunch and my AlphaSmart, and hang out on nice days. We can be there for as little as two hours or as long as 5 or 6 hours. I usually get a lot of writing done in nice weather, then edit later that night at home.
Over the years, I’ve learned I edit better in winter so I plan writing projects that way. I’m addicted to NaNoWriMo and NaNoEdMo. I write in November and Edit in March and have for the last 6 years. I’m a short story writer so I now have those 6 novel drafts that I hope to turn into novellas. That’s my goal for this winter—work on those four great drafts. Two are really bad and might not be salvageable.
I have an office that I do use, but it tends to be on the dark side. I knew I should have put in a skylight when we did the roof but my car had other ideas and used up the money.
When the passion hits I can write anywhere, anytime with any distractions, but must have a computer or AlphaSmart. Pen and paper, not so much. Why? If you ever had to read my handwriting, you’d know the answer.
Another thing I’ve learned is that I cannot not write.
Pat Marinelli
Hi Pat - thanks for dropping by! I have friends who love the Alfie, but I love my laptop. I'm with you on the pen and paper - I tried it in April again this year in Cuba on my vacation - terrible!! It was slow - without seeing the words form in front of my face it just wasn't the same.
I do not write butI need to focus or just relax, I sit in a chair by the window in my room.
Hi Loretta! Nice to have you drop by. :) I love working near a window, although i have to watch out for glare, I can't imagine being without natureal light. It's okay that you don't write but I sure hope you love to read! LOL
I prefer to write in my cave in the basement but my first book was written in the Martock parking lot and at the McDonald's playland in Dartmouth. Congratulations on your success, Lilly!
Hi Bev! Thank you. :)
I have to admit I did take my laptop with me to McDonalds a couple times, but people kept looking at me funny, LOL.
Hi Lilli,
Congratulations on your success. When I wrote only for myself, I could write anywhere, distractions didn't bother me. Now that I'm serious, I need to focus, and hide in a small room I share with my closet. Only room for me and my computer. I turn my ITUNES to instrumental and type away. If I play anything with words, I tend to sing (badly) along.
Barb Heintz
Hi Lilly - are we twins? Most days I sit in my La-Z-Boy chair with books and papers strewn around and the dog watching from the door. Distractions abound but it all seems to work. I often go to my favorite coffee shop and write for a few hours too. I usually get a lot done because I can't move from my spot.
I'm not a writer, but I do understand that sometimes it's easier to focus when I'm not at home--when I'm home, I always hear the siren's call of the fridge, and there's always housework that taunts me. If I'm out of the house (at the library, coffeeshop, or any number of places), I know I'm there to work, and often with that extra nudge to focus, I can be more productive. Not always, of course ;)
Thanks for the fun topic, Lilly!
Hi Barb! I have the same problem - anything with words and I am singing - and not typing. :) If you know of any instrumental songs that feature a dark tense theme, let me know - I need some for my WIP! :)
Hi Shelly! It does sound like we are twins, LOL! Glad I am not alone!
Hi Flchen! Housework - the bane of anyone working from home. You think - Oh it will only take a minute to throw a laundry one - but then you have to dry it, fold it, put it away...LOL
I'm a coffee house writer. At home the interruptions are personal. It's always something I have to do for someone. Yet, at a coffee house, I find just the presence of other people inspires me, makes me more creative. I wear my headphones, making a little sound cocoon around myself, and dive into the words.
Hello Susanna! So you don't find people interrupt you there either? I think they see us working and know we are doing just that - working. I even shot a short TV news peice there about working on NaNoWriMo with a couple of other local authors and it was so cool! :)
Hi Lilly!
I find I can write anywhere. I could grab a piece of paper anywhere and just write. When I get an idea and I dont want to loose it, thats what I do. As long as I write and dont get distracted, I do okay.
I'm a patio writer in the summer, but I winter in my recliner. :)
Hello Leilani! Pen and paper and I just don't get along - but otherwise I share your scentiment - I just want to write!!
Hi Margaret - I love that line! "winter in my recliner!" Can I steal it? :) How about borrow it? Thanks for dropping by!
I write anywhere I can. Might be a lunch break at work...or in the wee hours at my kitchen table when all are in bed.
Wow, both books look fantastic!
Congratulations and continued success and great coffee's!
Thanks again for having me here at Fierce ROmance!
For those who are interested after a random drawing the winners of this book give-away are Anne MacFarlane and Loretta Canton! Congratulations - I will contact you by email to see which book you prefer!
Congratulations, Anne and Loretta! Thank you again, Lilly, for being our guest!
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